Books for the holidays: Airi Sano and Christmas, and so many fun books to read
(“These Two”; photo by Rawley/use with permission only, please)
Up first this week: Books for the holidays and yes, I know I’m early, or late, depending on your schedule. Order or shop for them now and thank me later. Belated (in my humble opinion) is always better. Then it’s a gift and a surprise. xoxoxo WM
- “Santa Mouse Finds a Furry Friend,” is a new story from “Santa Mouse” author Michael Brown, who dreamed up the original story when he found a piece of fabric decorated with a small Christmas mouse. I loved this book when I was a kid, and a whole new generation is now being introduced to our friend. Sweet and charming illustrations are by Robert McPhillips (Little Simon/Simon & Schuster, 2024, $18.99). “One Christmas Eve, as they set out in boots and suits so neatly dressed, this little friend asked Santa Claus which gift did Santa think was best. ‘Well,’ he said, ‘we need good foor, warm clothes to wear, a place to live. But sometimes it is friendship that can be the finest gift to give.'”
- And just for fun and happiness, here are two little board books: “Light,” by Ruth Forman, with illustrations by Katura Gaines and “What’s Mine is Yours,” by Hannah Eliot, with illustrations by Sally Walker (both from Little Simon/Simon & Schuster, 2024, $8.99 apiece.) In “Light,” a child takes a journey, his eyes laughing bright, seeing all… just like you. In “What’s Mine is Yours,” a mother and child spend peaceful time sharing everything — pancakes, smiles and wonders. Quiet and delightful.
- Well, hello, again, Airi Sano, Prankmaster General, how’ve you been, kid? “International Menace” is the latest novel in the series by Zoe Tokushige, with illustrations by Jennifer Naalchigar (Philomel/Penguin Random House, 2024, grade 3 and older, $14.99). Airi and family leave Hawaii for the summer to visit her grandparents and cousins in Japan. I’m sure it will be a typical boring vacation, lol. I love Airi, her hijinks, spirit and big heart, and I also love the roadmaps, clues, keys and illustrations sprinkled throughout the books. They make it really fun and engaging for readers.
The pick of the week is… “Light,” for the perfect illustrations and the uplifting story.
Disclaimer: All of the books included in today’s post were sent to me free for review purposes. Disclaimer here. See you next time!
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