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2007 Inspiring Blog
Rockin' Girl Blogger


June 6th, 2009


Here is my disclaimer: This is the blog of Nancy, aka Wacky Mommy. This is my virtual space, and I write what I want, how I want, when I want. Some names may be changed to protect the innocent (or the guilty). Blame it on artistic license. (“…gotta blame it on something…”) Yes, blame it on the rain, by all means. But at the end of the day, I do read every comment, and every spam, and I do with it what I will. All of the posts here are my own, and if I ever have a guest blogger show up I will let you know.

If you don’t like what you read here, or if you take umbrage at something I’ve written, you are welcome to send me an e-mail at wacky mommy at wacky mommy dot org. Or leave a note in comments.

I often review books here and occasionally products. Some of the books and products I receive for free, for review purposes. I review some of what lands here, but not everything. Some of the reviews I run are for books or products that my family and friends and I have on hand/just happen to like/use/want to tell you about.

Mercy bouquet, kisses, etc.,


And now, to keep the attorneys happy…

This policy is valid effective June 2nd, 2024 and until further notice.

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me, NR.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

For more info, go to Disclosure Policy.

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