You Know When….
There’s some idiot at school who you just do not want to deal with, and the principal has to deal with it for you, and you’re PMS, and your kids have the flu, and everything is making you cry, and the cats always PUKE ALL OVER THE HOUSE and it is NEVER GOING TO STOP RAINING, oh wait, it DID STOP RAINING AND THE SUN IS OUT AND I STILL FEEL LIKE CRAP, and why can’t your husband work four 10’s, instead of five days a week, or three 10’s and one day from home and you drink a nice glass of Pinot Grigio and all it does is make your HEAD HURTand food tastes ICKY, and the PUBLIC SCHOOL CLUSTER BULLSHIT IS JUST BULLSHIT and 7-12? WTF? No, 7-12 girls in one place, 7-12 boys in another, and 9-12 coed in the boys’ school (WTF? again) and uniforms for everyone, but only for the poor kids, the rich kids can still wear whatever they want okay now no uniforms, but yes to all the other crap, and maybe we should go private (uniforms!) or move to Canada or something?
It means you, my friend, have the flu, too. So off to get rest now, Wacky Mommies. More later…