Excellent Blog
2007 Inspiring Blog
Rockin' Girl Blogger

Little of This and That

January 28th, 2007

Dear kind readers,

I am running girl all week this week, but wanted to post quickly to say SORRY!!! WE ARE SORRY! to those of you who received an error message when you called up the site earlier, or were re-directed to Hockey God’s site. (Yeah, a clever ploy to steal my readers… Ha! It did not work! Or maybe it did, I have no idea.)

Anyway — a lot of smut mail is sprinkled throughout these entries — computer glitch. So please ignore and do not think I am endorsing these various illegal drugs, ringtones or penile implants. I’m deleting them as I find them. Whew, Nellie! There are a lot of people out there causing trouble.

I’m not one of them.

Please send along love/suggestions for the new design, if you have any.



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