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De-Lurk Already, Wouldja?

January 10th, 2008

I’m all — NO ONE TOLD ME IT WAS NATIONAL DELURKING DAY! Then I’m all — oh, wait. I worked all day and took care of a cute little kid who is getting over the flu. So I’m just now reading the blogs.

Leave a comment, you. And you. And you, too!!!

I’m making tomorrow Delurking Day, too, since I’m getting a late start.




  1. Dawn says

    hey, blogher has your post over there in the ad!

    January 10th, 2008 | #

  2. WackyMommy says

    Woot! Woot!!!

    January 10th, 2008 | #

  3. edj says

    Hey I didn’t know either! I’m making it tomorrow too!

    January 10th, 2008 | #

  4. Lisa says

    Well, I just met you because I clicked on you from orblogs, but I’ll post and say hi. I’m Lisa, hi. I like your site’s name. I’m a Wacky Mommy too.

    January 11th, 2008 | #

  5. ash says

    You know I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

    January 11th, 2008 | #

  6. MommyTime says

    I didn’t know either! I was working all day too! Then I had to come home and feed and put kids to bed! Then I tried to read blogs but I was too tired! So I used a lot of exclamation points to keep myself awake! I didn’t work.

    I’m sort of de-lurking, except that I’ve already commented here before. But I want to put a de-lurking banner on my blog now. Except I’m afraid that when all (two) of my readers de-lurk, I’ll only be embarrassed by the paltry number. You are brave. Have a good day.

    January 11th, 2008 | #

  7. melissa lion says

    Wait, how’d you know it was delurking day? How do I get involved?

    January 11th, 2008 | #

  8. Zarwen says

    Is this where I apply for absolution for all my past lurking activities?

    On another note, how is the little guy doing?

    January 11th, 2008 | #

  9. WackyMommy says

    Absolutely! (Get it?)

    Little Guy is doing fine and back to terrorizing his big sister and the cats, thank you for asking!

    January 11th, 2008 | #

  10. Terry says

    You’ve gone too far this time, Wacky. If I felt obligated to comment on every blog I peruse, I would never get anything else done.

    (Not that I do anyway.)

    January 11th, 2008 | #

  11. nan says

    Ohhh… So that’s why I got a couple O’ comments. Thought it was my Blogging Genius. *sigh*

    I didn’t know either. Maybe I don’t READ enough blogs. But I am PICKY! (and working!)

    January 12th, 2008 | #

  12. mallory says

    I guess I am guilty of a little lurking, now that I think of it. I moved my blog to http://malinthemiddle.wordpress.com I am glad you like your new job. ((hugs)) Mallory

    January 13th, 2008 | #

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