Thursday Thirteen Ed. #129: Thirteen Things I Have Used as Security Blankets Over the Years
Dear, dear neglected Thursday Thirteeners and All You Usual Suspects,
What’s going on? Should I dare to try to write a Thursday 13 list, even though I don’t have a brain in my head? (Long month. New job. Much going on with piano lessons, Girl Scouts, swimming and etc. Plus it’s cold. I am shivering. Too many excuses, sorry.) I say yes.
Thirteen Things I Have Used as Security Blankets Over the Years:
13. My original Smokey Bear. I still have him, stashed away in my closet where my kids can’t get to him. No hat, but he still has his badge.
12. Knitting.
11. Cigarettes (I quit 21 years ago. Before that, I smoked for ten years. I am now 43. You do the math.) (Scary, isn’t it?)
10. A glass of wine. (I still like that one, but not to excess.)
9. My best friend in college, H.W., who I could not live without at the time. We did everything together — ran around, worked at the same place, played, cooked, drank beer, went to New York for internships after we graduated. She helped me through much chaos, and I was not the nicest friend, in return. I am not proud of that, but I did learn from it. H.W., if you’re out there — I am sorry.
8. The last afghan made by my Grandma (Dad’s mom) before she passed. It was the most difficult, and most beautiful one she ever made — it was a vintage Navajo afghan pattern, in red, black, gray and white. I don’t know if it actually was difficult for her to make, she was a talented lady, but she was slowing down and things were becoming more of a challenge. I wrapped myself and my babies up in this blanket when they were newborns — it was like a big hug from her.
7. My marble collection, from my Dad.
6. The agate collection my Grandpa (dad’s dad) left me — all polished rocks that he had worked on himself.
5. The telephone!
4. Cookies.
3. Favorite pillows.
2. All of my pets over the years.
1. My husband and my kids.
I quit smoking too, may years ago, after 15 years of the habit. And I enjoy a glass of wine now and then.
January 23rd, 2008 | #
My security “blankets” were my big Teddy Bear named Cuddles, Winnie-the-Pooh, my sister, and my dad. :)
January 23rd, 2008 | #
Smoking is definitely the hardest security blanket to give up. I too started much too young and then smoked a pack a day for 17 years. It’s been 9.5 years since I had my last drag though, and I’m done for good! (a fact which still occasionally scares the bejeesus out of me)
January 24th, 2008 | #
Great list. I sleep with pillows….lots of them.
January 24th, 2008 | #
My son! We sing the itsy bitsy spider, and he does the little fiddly bits with his fingers and laughs. It’s funny how thoroughly your kids unmake you. I’ve never known anybody else who only made me happy. Also, he sleeps with me right now, so I get to cuddle him when he’s sleeping, all baby breath and chubby cheeks.
January 24th, 2008 | #
Home-made macaroni and cheese, made with lots of real, sharp cheddar and a sauce that starts with a roux and everything. It was all I could eat during the first weeks of my pregnancies; everything else made me feel YUK, but this was pure comfort. Also, down comforters. Good name. :) And bouquets of flowers for no reason at all.
January 24th, 2008 | #
Wine is still a security blanket of mine.
Mashed potato’s and of course my hubby! Growing up I had my teddy bear named yellow (not sure why this name) that stayed with me through college and now sits on a shelf in my computer room.
January 24th, 2008 | #
What a very cool list! I would have never thought of something like this. LOL – I have to say that cigs were a very long part of my life but I gave them up as well and it’s been a few years. I feel better though. I’d have to say that my security blankets include chocolate, my dogs and my kids.
January 26th, 2008 | #
PJs and slippers
Hugs, kisses, and cheek rubs from my Baby Girl
Bourbon (It’s the Kentucky in me)
January 27th, 2008 | #