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Diary from Louisiana, Part 8

October 1st, 2005

This one isn’t for the faint of heart, either. You know what I’ve found out about rumors? They’re usually true. Not always, but in general. Especially when they’re from a credible source, as this entry is. Keep prayers, good thoughts, and money flowing South.

C sent me this note on 9/26 — sorry I’m just now posting it.


Reports from friends in the NOPD — R’s house: first 2 floors flooded, third possibly salvagable. J (R’s husband — WM) went today to try to get what he could and find my niece’s cats. One cat found alive, two still missing. J left it food and water because it was freaked and attacked him. Going down Friday after school (Sept. 30 — WM) to get cat and look for others. Reliable source report you won’t get from CNN: The guy in the dome that was raping kids got thrown to his death from the balcony by the mob that caught him. The guy in the convention center doing the same got double decapitated (head and penis). Cops and military have killed around 150 people and no investigation will follow. Martial law. On another front: Life is crazy and we are seeing a lot of respiratory infections in the Peds ER from the shelter community. I’m sure the adult ER is the same. My friend cared for a woman in one of the hospital shelters who held onto a live electrical wire for 2 days to keep from drowning while she had to watch others around her go under. She was badly burned but alive. It’s still crazy here and will never be the same.



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