PPS Bug Policy
The lice policy for Portland Public Schools is…
They have no policy.
Excuse me. I’m feeling bitchy again.
They have a one-sentence policy and it is:
“The district supports a no-nit requirement for readmission to school for head lice exclusions.”
Everything else — whether or not to pick nits, literally; check heads; keep coats and hats separated; send letters home; call parents; etc. — is all left up to the individual schools.
The district rep told me that if they can’t agree (a school and the district) they defer to Multnomah County Health.
(PS — website is fixed. Thank you, WD.)
I think a letter at the least should be customary and common courtesy. And in my experience, for a case of chickenpox, hand-foot-mouth, etc., this has been the prevailing response for a school whether at the pre-school or elementary level; the letter would include a detailed description of the ailment, remedies for, and the number of confirmed cases. This seems a standard and common-sense approach that alleviates panic and perhaps the resulting or perhaps preceding misunderstanding. I’m surprised that the principal there doesn’t institute a similar traditional response. The message of apathy is what seems to be heard here in the absence of any other sort of communication (?) Oh, and just as an aside, I LOVE the applicable advertising along the side of each entry.
February 15th, 2006 | #
Oh good Lord — I hadn’t noticed the lice ads. See? I’m public service now! Yesterday, they only pulled the kids from my daughter’s class and checked their heads. Seems like they should have done the whole school. Yeesh.
Lice Free Since 2006
February 16th, 2006 | #
Bummer your school has that policy. Makes NO sense. We were fortunate that our schools would send home flyers for everything!
Some helpful sites and tips:
Wash all bedding, toys, hats, clothes, in HOT water. Tumble dry HOT. Vacuum thoroughly, change vac bag. I also trimmed my girls’ hair as short as they would allow!
We had particularly good luck with the mayo recipe. However, it did take two treatments to finally rid ourselves of the little buggers.
February 16th, 2006 | #