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School Auctions

March 12th, 2006

Tomorrow I will try to write about the following topic: School Auctions and Why It Is Important to Not All Hate Each Other by the End of It. That’s if I can get to the office. Contractors? The ones who have been MIA for close to a month??? How can this be? are reportedly coming by in the morning.

I’ll fucking believe it when I fucking see it. (Am watching the Sopranos again, can you tell? Would Carmela have this problem? Hell no. Her house looks fucking great, all the time.) We went to the coast this weekend. I took a shower. It was delicious.



  1. Roxie says

    Well, Fuck! That is all I have to say about that, damn it!

    March 17th, 2006 | #

  2. Wacky Mommy says

    The tile woman came by today. A contractor sighting, yes!

    March 17th, 2006 | #

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