Excellent Blog
2007 Inspiring Blog
Rockin' Girl Blogger

Since I Never Update My Links…

March 30th, 2007

…I owe you these.

Every day I read Rockstar Mommy, Miss Zoot, Dooce and Amalah and no, not always in that order.

I really have grown fond of the lovely Suzanne, at DearReader. I log on every morning and like magic! Three new chapters for me. (I subscribe to one fiction and two non-fiction clubs.) I delete some, read some, devour some, and if I really love a book I put it on reserve at the library.

And… more favorites: Mrs. Flinger; Planet Nomad (whose husband, a photographer, has a couple of sites, too — go look at his photos. They are fantastic); I read my husband, but of course; and my girl Leslie Gould (note to both of you: update more!); and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! I just lost the rest of this post.

Here I am again with a handful more of my favorites. And I promise I’ll do this again soon to include some of you who I read often, but haven’t included today:

* Terrible Mother (because we all need a little more poetry, prose and angst)
* Monkey Disaster
* Gallivanting Monkey
* Breed ’em and Weep
* Moxie!
* the lyfe so short, the Craft so long to lerne
* DotMoms
* MamaToo
* Dear Prudence
* Exceedingly Mundane and… last but not least…
* Overheard in PDX

And that’s all for now.

(Except for Plain Jane Mom and Mrs. Mogul.)

(And Pass the Torch.)


  1. mamatoo says

    I feel like a celebrity. To think that only a month ago I barely knew what a blog was! :)

    March 30th, 2007 | #

  2. Stacy says

    I’ll have to check out some of your links. The only one I read regularly is Exceedingly Mundane. I adore Stacy.

    March 30th, 2007 | #

  3. Michelle says

    Nice to see your own list of great blogs, guess we were on the same page this week.

    April 2nd, 2007 | #

  4. Mrs. Flinger says

    Ahhh, shucks…. :-) I’m honored!

    April 2nd, 2007 | #

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