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2007 Inspiring Blog
Rockin' Girl Blogger

And I…

December 3rd, 2007

…am still writing fiction. Who knew I could finish chapter after chapter? How many chapters should it have? Twenty-four? Twenty-seven? How long do you like your novels to be? I like mine around 275 pages. What is the word count on 275 pages? One hundred thousand? I think that’s around what I have. This is better than knitting. It’s the moment I’ve been waiting for my entire life, Internets.

Truly though, what I’m doing is cleaning up and revising chapters I wrote ages ago. Some I have no idea when or where. I’ve come across a few new characters — characters I made up and do not remember at all, mind you — and it’s kinda fun — like meeting someone for the first time. Maybe those were some 4 a.m. creations? No idea.

I got through three drafts of this novel, tore it to shreds to start a fourth draft, then flung it across the room. (Not really — but I did click “save” on the file and didn’t re-open it.)

Leave me a note, would ya? I want to know what everyone’s up to out there. It’s storming like mad here. We’ve had an unusual amount of rain and wind here in the Pacific Northwest. And wish my mother-in-law luck — she’s flying back to Denver tomorrow.



  1. Jenny McB says

    Is it bad luck to tell us what your book is about? Or did I miss that somewhere in your blog?
    Have you tried the peanut butter filled kisses? Deadly, but oh so delicious.
    I wasted a snow day by trying to change my banner, made calzone, played qwerty on pogo and told my son that if he tried snowboarding in the driveway and broke his effing arm (didn’t write that in my blog, but really I did swear) that I wouldn’t bring him to the ER. Watched the Patriots pull it out at the very end and am trying to get along with my boys while my husband travels to warmer climates. So there’s my update, get back to writing, your weather does look miserable.

    December 3rd, 2007 | #

  2. WackyMommy says

    Jenny McB,
    I will use that threat with my children from now on. Maybe it will work. We’re in the ER/Urgent Care too often.

    Book is about… can’t say, I am superstitious, you’re right :) It’s fiction, with a heroine in charge.

    December 3rd, 2007 | #

  3. Qanzas says

    I took the day off work to write! I only wish it was fiction, though. 275 is a good length.

    No flooding of your house, I hope?

    December 4th, 2007 | #

  4. WackyMommy says

    EXcellent (in Mr. Burns’ voice). No flooding — we’re a ways away (there’s some good English-speakin’, right there) from any of the rivers.

    I would not want to be a realtor trying to sell property along Johnson Creek this month.

    December 4th, 2007 | #

  5. nan says

    Send the rain here. We have had one-third of the average rainfall so far this rainy season. On the edge of a rainforest. This means that the dryseason is going to be really bad for fires.

    I tell my kids that the ER closes at 5, and on Sundays. As in “uh, honey, you better not do that NOW, cause it’s 5.15. Try it another time.” and then hide the skateboard/bungy cord/rope/slingshot.

    December 4th, 2007 | #

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