How I Went From Being a Basketball Fan to a Boxing Fan to a Hockey Fan and Back to Being a Basketball Fan Again
Jefferson Boys’ Basketball: It’s fantastic. Gooooooooooooooooooo, Demos!
Jefferson Boys’ Basketball: It’s fantastic. Gooooooooooooooooooo, Demos!
“I’m four and I’m not three anymore!”
Good, because three is just too young to have your own cellphone.
Big ol’ congrats to the Jefferson High School Lady Demos, who beat Hermiston this evening in an exciting come-from-behind victory to become the 5A OSAA State of Oregon Basketball Champions.
Excellent job, women. Way to go, Demos, way to go… Are you looking for photos? (Thanks, Steve.)
The guys are next.
On a completely unrelated note, are you wondering what my Top 10 Search Keywords are? Here you go:
Looking for “to”? You’ve come to the right place.
Now, I had a post all planned for my Thursday 13 — Thirteen Fun Facts About Fannie Farmer. (Not Frances Farmer, Fannie.) (The cook.) (Who I’m teaching a Sunday School lesson about on Sunday? Yes, this Sunday. Help me, jeebus, because it involves cooking.) (And it’s Daylight Savings Time out in this part of the country, starting Sunday, which means Extra Challenges as far as me 1) finding my alarm clock 2) resetting it 3) paying attention to it so I can get out the damn door, deliver supplies to earlier classes, go to service, then teach.) (On a side note, since this whole graf is apparently side notes, I just committed to teaching next year, too. It’ll be fine, I’m sure. Third/fourth grade blended class again, with Wacky Girl as my trusty sidekick and student.)
Did I mention that I have my own office at work? With a door that locks? And two huge windows with a view? Bad thing: Everyone has a key to my office, and they come and go at will. Also, I have a conference table that it turns out is extremely popular. If my conference table were a girl, she’d be “That Girl,” y’know? The one everyone wants to take out for a drink? So it isn’t exactly “my” office, is what I’m saying, even though I have a desk in there, and the only key (as far as I know) to the locking cupboard.
Hmmm. The point is, I don’t really have the kind of job where you can surf the blogs at work. Unless I’m working at 10 at night or something, but even then, the custodians are working, and I would get so busted.
(Sign on someone’s property, just north of Wolf Creek, Oregon, along the Applegate Trail)
“The Tiger Snake cannot be adopted at this time. Tiger Snake adoptions will begin Thursday, March 6 at 10 am.”
Dammit. I was really wanting to adopt a Tiger Snake right now.
Ash tagged me, wooooooooooooooooooo! I love a meme. (You know who writes a killer meme? Tina from The Gallivanting Monkey. That’s right. She responded to my tag with the funniest meme I’ve ever read.) You can tag me all damn day long, and maybe you’ll catch me, maybe you won’t, but I do like a tag. I present…
The Latest Thing in Memes
1. I can’t believe I’ve never…
…watched Star Wars all the way through. Oh, wait. Yes, I can.
2. Every time I think about … I still cringe.
…the last time someone asked me to speak in public, in front of a roomful of strangers, and I went, “Bladdity-blah-blah, hummingbird food! Musical notes! Dancing, dancing! Wheeee!” or something. I have no idea what I said, but I still cringe. Must sign up for Toastmasters, stat.
3. I wish I’d …when I had the chance.
…married Steve when I first met him, instead of waiting a few years. (We were neighbors, I was living with my boyfriend, he sort of had a girlfriend, complications and chaos ensued, etc.)
4. I’ve never felt so out of place as when I…
…was at a party where everyone did a hoedown in their cowboy boots, and I wasn’t wearing cowboy boots.
5. … is my guiltiest pleasure.
That would have to be… I don’t do guilty pleasures, just pleasures.
6. I hope … knows how grateful I am for …
…my mom knows how grateful I am that she dealt with me, pretty skillfully, during my teen years.
7. In my darkest hours, I secretly blame … for my dysfunction.
…boyfriends 1-4…
8. … changed my life forever.
Steve and the kids… and my learning to knit.
I’m tagging… Tina, of course; Melissa Lion, because since she told MetBlogs “later,” she has a ton of free time now; Mr. Qanzas; MamaToo (who I saw in person today, with her two cute little kidlets, yay! How did she know I needed a “little kid” fix?); and… my very own Hockey God, who always refuses to partake in my memes. Maybe he’ll bite.
“Words are loaded pistols.”
— Jean-Paul Sartre, writer and philosopher (1905-1980)
This morning I was at New Seasons, buying snacks for Wacky Boy’s class, and overheard two of the stockboys talking:
SB #1: “You have no hope? Sometimes I think I’ve given up all hope, but really, you have no hope?”
SB #2: “All hope is gone. I have given up on hope.”
me: “No giving up on hope.”
SB #1: “Thank you!”