…and more reading… and a kale recipe from the Beaverton Farmers Market…
Some fun stuff, some serious stuff, and some really heavy stuff:
On the coffeetable:
“Michael Pollan’s Food Rule #22 is: Eat mostly plants, especially leaves! For a crispy treat buy Tuscan kale and spray or brush with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper and place on a baking sheet. Bake at 400 until crispy.” — thank you, Beaverton Farmers Market
I hate WordPress because I just today saw all of your lovely incoming links to me.
I’m sorry if I neglected. . .
October 8th, 2010 | #
RSG, you never do, fear not.
October 9th, 2010 | #
Hello again. I read on NPR a recipe — simple as it is — for kale chips recently and have been meaning to make them. They didn’t say “Tuscan” kale, though. We North Portlanders probably will be satisifed with plain old general European kale, the kind that came over in steerage.
As for books: In my senior year I needed an upper level social science credit; well, several of them. I took a one term class called “Marriage and Family,” which was not at all like another course of the same name taught by a different instructor, a Portland urologist and his wife, who had a great reputation for a terrific class, a one night a week, three-hour class. This guy, the one I had for a daytime course, was working on his Ph.D. at UO and cared pretty much not at all about most of us. He spent his time talking to four or five sociology majors who sat up front. He had us buy at least seven books for the class, quite an expensive proposition. He told us that whenever the class enrollment went up, he added another book, and we had one more than the previous term’s students. And sure enough, the text list for the following term for the same class included one additional book over our list. A total jerk. I wish I had filed a complaint. But I was happy to escape with a C for not learning much of anything. Another instructor could have made it interesting. Since he was wrapped up in his doctoral work, he often missed class, a welcome event.
Thank you for letting me expound. You don’t actually have to read my comments, N. In fact, you might want to charge by the inch.
October 9th, 2010 | #
Dan, I love reading your comments, you know that. Always a welcome visitor. Our books are included with tuition with this program, which is only fair since I’m handing over an arm and a leg. It was a great feeling when they gave me my huge bag o’ books. All paperback! That’s a nice change, too — not as much to schlep. I remember mostly hardcovers from undergrad days.
I had a prof like that — survey of Amer. Lit, I think? Freshman year at PSU. Three times a week, he’d roll in 10-15 minutes late (for a 50-minute class) and complain about the parking.
Because traffic is always such a surprise when you’re heading downtown in any largish city. Who knew? Who knew there wouldn’t be a place to park?
That is all I remember from the class.
October 10th, 2010 | #