quotes from my student
She’s funny, this kid. Two weeks ago she snuggled up next to me, looked at me adoringly and asked me, “Ms. Nancy, why don’t you ever have any good books in your library?”
Ohhhhhhh, let me count how many books (new and new-to-us) I put on the shelves in the past six months: A ton. That’s right.
So she heard I was leaving, Due to Tendonitis and Exceeding Need to Publish My Own Writing (and perhaps start a new internet project, with Stevie. More on that later ;)
Today she gave me a really sweet goodbye card, another big hug, then shoved me away and had a lil fit.
“I want to be a writer. I want to be WRITING!”
My response: “Do it.”
I (heart) kids. Writing. And books. Today? In that order.