“Dancing Chickens” photo by Nancy Ellen Row Rawley
I started this draft a few weeks ago, then got busy getting back to teaching (reading groups, recess and cafeteria duty, and assisting students with special needs. I miss my library and computer lab work, I’ve only been doing a little of that). The kids and I spent the fall and winter doing our usual stuff — being stressed, fighting various viruses, dealing with homework and school and work, pets and livestock, taking care of errands and trying to figure out plans for spring and summer break.
Then the entire world fell apart.
Here are my notes for the draft:
- planter box/trellis for grapes
- blackberry cobbler — yes, if you rip out all the blackberries, you’ll have your backyard back, but what will you do for cobblers and crisps? (she says, then rips out all the blackberries and mows down the roots)
- chickens
- plants
- the deer leave these plants alone: herbs, hellebores, daffodils, snowdrops, violets, rhodies and azaleas
I would give anything to go back and remember what it was, exactly, I was doing with that draft. To see where I would have gone with it. To be living in the world that was week before last and not in this fresh hell we’re in right now.
I miss my husband. He’s there for me, for us, for the kids. But I miss being married. But we both have support, and good, kind people in our lives. Our friends and extended families, the grandparents, our neighbors — everyone is okay. So that is good enough for today. For now. We’re still partners, we’re still there for each other. It’s just really different than what it was.
It’s 59 degrees here in the Willamette Valley, sunny and perfect. It’s spring break. And in our state, and others, the governors are telling us we’re in lockdown, please stay at home, please don’t go out unless you have to go to the doctor’s office, or the hospital, or to the store, or to get some exercise, but keep your distance from the other walkers/hikers/skiers/players.
Social distancing.
And wash your hands. Don’t cough and sneeze on people. Look in on your neighbors.
I am worried. We’re all scared. There have been so many deaths already from the corona virus, and more to come. But there are also so many people who are having mild cases and getting through it, or even terrible cases of it and getting through it.
People are stepping up like crazy. Except for the President and his crew, they’re just all crazy. We’ll survive them, and the virus.
My friend Elaine has me hooked on the Hallmark Channel — we’re watching nonstop “Golden Girls” re-runs and Christmas movies over here, even though it’s March. I picked up a bunch of four-dollar sale books from Winco; I’ve started them and they’re all good.
Adriana Trigiani’s “Kiss Carlo”
Wally Lamb’s “I’ll Take You There”
Phillip Lewis’s “The Barrowfields”
Sara Blaedel’s “The Undertaker’s Daughter”
Prayers, peace, and good thoughts. Be well and be safe.
Wacky Mommy