Purple asters (photo by Nancy Ellen Row Rawley)
Good morning, dear ones. What have you been up to?
I know it’s a little early for the holidays, even Halloween, but I have an idea for this year. Why not turn off the TV, the phones, the tablets, the laptops, and read a book, instead? There, I said it. I had the news on and just turned it off. So here are some ideas for books for the kiddos you may have in your life. If you don’t? Social service agencies, schools, community centers and lots of other places are happy to receive books as gifts. Where do you think my review copies land? I also share with the neighbors and my friends and family, of course. Share the love, share the books. Get rid of the tech, even if it’s just for a little while.
This week’s titles:
“Santa Mouse Bakes Christmas Cookies,” based on the character created by Michael Brown (Little Simon, 2022, $8.99). Santa Mouse, nestled into his cozy sardine tin bed, smells something delicious! Could it be… cookies? (Don’t bake them for half an hour, though, guys! Ten minutes or less should do. Sweet little addition to the Santa Mouse books. And not just a board book — a cushiony board book with lots of colorful illustrations.
“Five Little Dreidels,” a bright and cheerful board book by Jeffrey Burton, illustrated by Juliana Motzko (Little Simon, 2022, $6.99). Fun variation on the “Five Little Monkeys” story/song, this time with a table full of yummy holiday food, chocolate gelt, and playful dreidels who can’t stop getting into trouble.
“I’m a Little Snowman,” written by Hannah Eliot and illustrated by Anna Daviscourt (Little Simon, 2022, $6.99), another awesome little board book, will be fun for the littles. “I’m a little snow pal/head to toes/here are my buttons/here is my nose” (sung to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”). We’re still celebrating the beginning of fall, but I think I’m ready for winter, people.
“I Want That!” Well, who doesn’t, baby? (Little Simon, 2022, $9.99.) This board book from Hannah Eliot and Ana Sanfelippo has cool little wheels on each page, so the babies and preschoolers can practice their dexterity. Turn the wheels and discover a cake, bananas, different dress-up items in the closet, and a box full of toys. Fun!
I reviewed “Airi Sano, Prankmaster General: New School Skirmish” a little while ago, but I’m giving it another shoutout. Great novel for grades 3 and older, and will really speak to a lot of children (and their parents) who feel not quite listened to or understood.
Happy book-shopping and happy holidays when we get there!