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“Sleepy Sheepy and the Sheepover” and other new titles

February 26th, 2024

moon over cedar tree

(Pic by Rawley, use with permission only)

“Sleepy Sheepy and the Sheepover” is kinda a great title ever, eh? I love it. Say it five times fast, woot! (Written by Lucy Ruth Cummins, illustrations by Pete Oswald, Flamingo Books/Penguin Random House, 2024, ages 3 and up, $18.99.) Sweet little picture book that helps kids get used to the idea of staying over at someone else’s house. It can be a little much, aight?

You know what’s cool? Sleepovers are fun, sure. Well, unless you don’t want to stay anywhere but in your very own bed, which is the case for a lot of us. Copyright laws! Yeah, you never saw that coming, did ya? Many publishers are now including copyright notes in with their Library of Congress info. Here is Peguin’s (used with permission, of course):

“Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader.”

And now, for five brand-new board books:

“One,” an awesome little book, was written by Ruth Forman (“Curls,” “Glow,” “Bloom” and “Ours,”… I love this series) with beautiful illustrations by Katura Gaines. (Little Simon; 2023; ages infant and up; $8.99.) Counting/friends/community/love, perfection.

“My Little Lamb” is a puffy little board book from writer Hannah Eliot and illustrator Jennifer A. Bell. (Little Simon; 2024; ages infant and up; $7.99.) Vintage feel to this one, which stars a wee lamb who is happy to venture out… and happy to return home to mama, too.

“’90s Baby” is a second cute new release from Hannah Eliot, this time with art by Alyssa Nassner (Little Simon, 2024, ages babies and big kids, $6.99). Wicked, fly, iconic as can be, as the kids used to say. (I’m not old, you’re old. Now get off my dang lawn and get out of here.)

“Hey, Little Night Owl” was written by Jeffrey Burton, with illustrations from Joy Hwang Ruiz (Little Simon, 2023, ages baby-baby and up, $8.99). “Hey, little night owl, up with the stars. These hours are perfect, all quiet and ours.” Awwww… and the art is warm, amber-colored and happy. Sweet.

Double-down! “Easter Bunny, Where Are You?” is another darling one from Jeffrey Burton, with art by Juliana Motzko (Little Simon, 2024, for babes in arms and older, $8.99). Get a copy of this lift-the-flap book for the Easter baskets, and remember… “Easter Bunny, here we come hopping down the trail. I think I see some bunny ears behind the shiny pail.” Now I’m ready for spring. And candy.

Bon appetit, babies. The titles in this post were all reviewed with permission.


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