(Photo by Steve Rawley)
(Photo by Steve Rawley)
“How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward.” — Spanish proverb
Arf! Sea Lion Caves, Florence, Ore., June 2013
(Photos by Steve Rawley)
One of my earliest memories is of visiting the Sea Lion Caves in Florence, Ore., and being overwhelmed at how huge and loud it was. Intense and primeval. Glad that we got to visit there with our own kids :) It was the first time they had seen it (same for Steve) and only the second time for me. Definitely worth putting on the list, when you’re sightseeing in Oregon.
Hope you’re having a great summer, whatever part of the world you’re in.
— wm
my birthday flowers and (virgin) drink
(Photo by Steve Rawley)
Ran away to the beach for a few days with Steve and the kids. This being the Oregon coast, and not somewhere in the Caribbean… it was gray, freezing, storming. We built fires in the (indoor) fireplace not on the (outdoor, soggy) beach. Played games with the kids, read, wrote, ate, went to the Sea Lion Caves, where I haven’t visited since I was a tot. (Go look at the webcam!)
Best weekend ever. My family is too good to me.
Have a great week, everyone, and happy summer!
took back my yard today
(Photo by Steve Rawley)
oh, hallo, yard, how have you been?
you are very beautiful, yard, but I notice you’ve developed a weed problem. here, let me help. oh, hallo, asters. keep growing. hallo, snake, are you dead? no? just dehydrated, eh? here’s a saucer or 4 of water for you. you’re welcome.
Roses of Sharon! I was hoping to see you. clover, goodbye. transplanting Shasta daisies, deadheading the roses. pulling up more pop-ems and picking fresh blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.
hi, summer. i love you.
and now, how about a little song?
happy Saturday to you
“My words fly up, my thoughts remain below: Words without thoughts never to heaven go.” — William Shakespeare, playwright and poet (1564-1616)