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show some respect for the Man

September 14th, 2009

re: Wilson screaming, You lie! at our esteemed President… I’m thinking…

“Black is the new president, bitch.” — Tracy Morgan

Ha. That’s what my late grandma would say. Ha! Yes, she voted for Obama. My Arkansas grandma voted for Obama. I have never been so proud.

I’m reading “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” right now and I’m thinking — okay, it was written in 1976 (won the Newbery Medal in 1977), is set in 1933, skillfully deals with racism, KKK, lynchings, night riders — and this book is (UNFORTUNATELY) so relevant today. Go read it. Stay educated. Speak up!

of course

March 20th, 2009

Just talked with the staff at my kids’ school — apparently the cold turns into the flu, then the flu turns into a cough. “And the cough lasts. And lasts.”

So, we’re starting spring break early, and not in the manner planned.

Nevertheless, I will persevere.

Now watching Mr. President — I tivo’ed it last night. Kevin Eubank wore a suit in honor of the visit. Heh heh heh. Who do I have a bigger crush on? Kevin? The President? Josh Turner? It’s a toss-up.

Leno: “Your mom will be so proud.”
Kevin: “Oh, yes, she will be, Jay.”

Heh heh heh.

The President: “Let me just say, I think Kevin looks good in a suit. He looks a little like Secret Service.”

Best quote from President Obama: “They say if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”

Bloggers I’m reading this week:
Miss Zoot
Posts from Portland
Wacky Mummy (cuz I like Wacky)
i am bossy
Under the Tuscan Gun

Have a good Friday, everyone.


Happy (almost) birthday, Cesar Chavez

March 16th, 2009

Sign here to show your support for making March 31st a national holiday in honor of the late Cesar E. Chavez.

Do you speak only one language? Nashville would appreciate that.

January 10th, 2009

I speak broken English, mostly. “Nekkid” for “naked”; “Who dat?” for “Hello, this is Nancy, to whom am I speaking?” when I answer the phone. “I’m not playing these little fuck-fuck games” for “Please, you will cease and desist bothering me. Thank you.”

I would love to be fluent in Spanish. Hell (or “hail,” as my Arkansas-born mama says it), I would love to be fluent in English. I can understand Spanish, sometimes. Bits and pieces. I can get the gist of what someone is trying to say. My comprehension is OK, but when I speak it? Oh, man, do I get shy. My daughter attended an incredible Head Start program for one year of preschool. About half of the parents were native Spanish speakers, and the program coordinator was starting up an English class for them. Would I like to attend?

“You can work on your Spanish, they can work on their English,” she suggested.

I was too shy to even try.

Another time, we had a craft project, working on goody bags to send home with the families. Would I like to sew with them? They brought in 6 or 8 sewing machines, and were planning to fill the goody bags with all kinds of items to send home. (Enough for every family, so no one felt singled out.) I’m shy about my Spanish, but I am super-shy about my sewing and knitting. So I dropped off my requested donation of tangerines and candy and left, making an excuse about having to be somewhere else.

I tell you this now because I wish I had stuck around. I took two years of Spanish in high school, two years in college, and am now trying to practice my Spanish as much as I can. (We live in a neighborhood where Spanish has become the second language.)

So. So, so, so… along comes an item in the New York Times about a councilman’s proposed ballot measure “to limit Nashville government workers to communicating only in English.”

I like second languages. And third languages, and fourth. Use what you’ve got.

I, Wacky Mommy, am officially announcing the following:

Spanish shall be adopted nationwide as America’s official second language.

?Por que no? (That means: Why not?) It’s worked well for Canada, with French and English. It’s worked well for the rest of the world for (fill in the native tongue) and English. People around the world speak English. We have a lot of Spanish speakers here in the states.

(My late uncle, shocked: “Whites are the minority in California now!” me: “Heh heh heh.”)

We could at least attempt to keep up by learning some basic conversational Spanish. I’m all about bilingual signage. Why not?

And Nashville? Maybe it’s time to brush up on your language skills.

hellooooooooooooooo, everyone

January 4th, 2009

Dear World (and by “world” I mean the 14 people out there who still read me),

So. So, so, so.

It is Sunday, January 4th, 2009.

We have a new president moving into the White House pretty soon.

Things are a mess in Gaza. Israel, I would like to ask you: While the rest of us are talking “hope” and “change” and “substance” in the new year, why do you feel the need to kill others? Please stop now. Obama seems to be pretty pro-Israel, pro-hawk, yes? Wanting to hunt down Bin-Laden and all. Maybe Israel is wanting to get in a few punches now, just in case they’re not allowed to later?

Unfortunately, as hopeful as I am about the new American administration, I think Israel is going to continue to be allowed to do whatever the hell they want to do. Israel = bully.

Why is it that while our nation’s schools are focused on policies of no-bullying, no physical violence, no verbal, sexual or mental abuse, no murder, certainly, the grown-ups can’t follow suit? Do as I say not as I do, aiiiiight?

The year my daughter started kindergarten, one of the first-graders wore a button everywhere that said


with a black line drawn through it.

“Who gave you that, K?” I asked him.

He was all, aw shucks, smiley. “My teacher.”

Smart teacher.

No punching. Just love. And hope for a better world.

I have been meditating, writing in my journal and studying every day. It has helped with the chaos.

After a long, sometimes bumpy winter break (ice, snow, rain, snow, snow, sunshine, flooding, ice), we are heading back to school and work tomorrow. I’m thinking 6 a.m. should be pretty fun, especially since I’ve been sleeping until 9, 10, 10:30 a.m. every day for almost three weeks. Whatever it takes, that’s what I’m saying.

I saw on the news that the Estacada Library underwent a ton of damage (to books, computers, building) during the most recent bout of flooding. If you have a few dollars to spare, I know they would appreciate it.

Estacada Public Library
825 NW Wade
Estacada, OR 97023



“All Power to the People!”

November 20th, 2008

Alternately titled, “Abbie Hoffman Killed Himself Because of Idiots Like Me.”

We just finished watching “Chicago 10” and it was good. Better than good — it was great. (more…)

“Black is the new president, bitch”

November 4th, 2008

(Thank you, Tracy Morgan.)

(Congrats, Mr. Obama. We love you.)

“We are not as divided as our politics suggest. That we are one people, that we are one nation, and together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story, with three words that will ring from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea: ‘Yes, we can.'”

— Barack Obama

“Clear Eyes! Full Hearts! Can’t Lose!”
— Friday Night Lights

Go, Obama! from Mr. Juneteenth

October 31st, 2008

a note from my comrade, Mr. Juneteenth:


There will be no cheat in this election.


Man is not in control of the outcome this time.

Respect, responsibility, accountability, productivity and peace now dominate the landscape.

History is no longer a casualty of manufactured disrespect.

History shall reflect an unheralded transparency that shall expose those who continue to defile it.

The only vote that matters is the one in which history triumphed over ignorance and disbelief in this time when it is needed most.

You shall witness the greatness of respect and goodness that tip the scales of injustice, you shall witness a landslide that will co-join history to repair a world.


Mr. Juneteenth”

Lelo is brilliant

October 28th, 2008

Go, Rudy! Go, Obamer!

(Seriously. I need to interview my grandma and put her on the World Wide Web. I highly encourage this sort of activity.)

don’t get caught/with your drawers down (tom waits)

October 23rd, 2008

Happy, happy weekend to y’all! I’m in trainings and busy the next few days, but Will Post As Able.


your girl,


ps — vote. VOTE. VOTE!!! Go, Obama!!!!

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