On hockey: “How would you like a job where, every time you make a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?”
— Jacques Plante
On hockey: “How would you like a job where, every time you make a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?”
— Jacques Plante
“Passion, though a bad regulator, is a powerful spring.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Sure, Scientology is a rich and vengeful religious cult based on a bizarre form of psychotherapy and a belief in reincarnated space aliens. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun with them.”
–Dave Touretzky PhD. Carnegie Mellon University
“Lying is done with words and also with silence.”
— Adrienne Rich, writer and teacher (1929- )
My husband gave me this list last night. He gave it to me before, but I’d forgotten. (See rule Number 10.) My favorite is Rule Number 6.
Have a superfine day.
RIP Shelley Winters, Aug. 18, 1920-Jan. 14, 2006.
“I have bursts of being a lady, but it doesn’t last long.” SW
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.”
–Ludwig Wittgenstein, philosopher (1889-1951)
” I don’t have pet peeves like some people. I have whole kennels of irritation.”
— Whoopi Goldberg
Did you ever see her on Sesame Street? She taught everyone the mantra “I’m so angry, I’m so angry, I’m so angry, ughhh!!” You kinda punch it out in the air and get all your angries out. V. effective technique, I highly recommend it. Sesame Street is on right now, as a matter of fact — gotta motor.
“We were incompatible in a lot of ways. Like for example, I was a night person, and he didn’t like me.”
— Wendy Liebman, winner of the American Comedy Award
The Year of the Dog begins Jan. 29th, 2006. Woof, again!
“Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell.”
— Emily Dickinson