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The Queen’s moat garden

August 20th, 2013

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle

(Photos by Steve Rawley)

steve sent me roses!

August 19th, 2013

Windsor Castle

(Photo by Steve Rawley)

pic of the day

August 17th, 2013

Hole in the wall

(Photo by Steve Rawley)


August 2nd, 2013

Moonrise at sunset

(Photo by Steve Rawley)

“How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterward.” — Spanish proverb

have a great weekend

July 13th, 2013

Burdensome sky

Daleks disguised as lighthouses

Wild rose

(Photos by Steve Rawley)

Arf! Sea Lion Caves, Florence, Ore., June 2013

July 2nd, 2013

Sea Lion Cave

Sea Lion Cave

Sea Lion Cave

(Photos by Steve Rawley)

One of my earliest memories is of visiting the Sea Lion Caves in Florence, Ore., and being overwhelmed at how huge and loud it was. Intense and primeval. Glad that we got to visit there with our own kids :) It was the first time they had seen it (same for Steve) and only the second time for me. Definitely worth putting on the list, when you’re sightseeing in Oregon.

Hope you’re having a great summer, whatever part of the world you’re in.

— wm

Pasta a la LaLa, also known as Monday Recipe Club

July 1st, 2013

Room with a view

(Photo by Steve Rawley)

My kids are learning to cook. This leaves me more time for reading. Yes, yes and yes. I am not always the most patient person, who it comes to teaching others to cook. Steve is a bit more patient than I am, but also more likely to say, Sit down and I’ll just do it for you. Our kids are patient with us, thank God. The goal is that they know how to cook by the time they move out, and honestly? They kinda already do, so go us.

Tonight my daughter came up with a good pasta recipe, with a tiny bit of help from me and our friend Giada. OK, yeah, we love pasta. Is that wrong??? Here is…


* Cook half a pound of conchiglie pasta until tender

* Add some sliced carrots to the pasta water during the last five minutes of cooking time

* When pasta and carrots are done cooking, rinse with cold water and put in bowl

* In same pot that you cooked pasta in, saute some onions and pea pods in olive oil

* When done, add to pasta and carrots

* Make a vinaigrette from 1 part balsamic vinegar, 3 parts olive oil, salt, pepper and a teaspoon or so of paprika

* Pour over pasta and stir in

* Chop some sundried tomatoes and kalamata olives; stir those into pasta, too! Add some feta cheese if you would like!

Now, make some garlic bread out of hoagie rolls, butter and garlic salt. Toast under broiler.

Done! Bon appetit, babies…

Tomorrow night, peanut butter and blackberry jam sandwiches on hoagie rolls… mmmmmm… peanut butter and jam… mmmmmmm… As usual, I remain happy with a sandwich or a bowl of cereal. Or pasta is always good, too.



summer in Oregon

June 11th, 2013

leaves floating in a shaft of sunlight

(Photo by Steve Rawley)

photo of the day

June 9th, 2013

beneath the cedars and firs

(Photo by Steve Rawley)

Those flowers look fake, don’t they? And like they’re studded with pearls. Sunday… quiet. Have a superfine week, anyone who still reads this thing!

— wm

snake in the garden

May 27th, 2013

My buddy. He lives in the iris patch.

This year's snake

This year's snake

This year's snake

(Photos by Steve Rawley)

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