april is national poetry month
“Most people ignore most poetry/ because/ most poetry ignores most people.” — Adrian Mitchell
“Most people ignore most poetry/ because/ most poetry ignores most people.” — Adrian Mitchell
“I saw the book — didn’t read it at all — didn’t think it worth reading — fingered it a little. Mother thought as I did.” — George Whitman, brother of Walt, on “Leaves of Grass”
just remember, when you’re doing your art, you need no one’s approval but your own. thank you. — wm
“Give the people a new word and they think they have a new fact.” — Willa Cather
“Words are loaded pistols.” — Jean-Paul Sartre
Hey, you kids, yeah, you over in the corner there.
I’m still having nightmares about pulling cafeteria duty. Thanks a lot for the damage, just fyi. Be good! Don’t just try, do it! happy spring. please don’t drive your cars too fast, these kind of things can go bad really quickly. I know.
ps last night I hit 70,000 words in my novel. You know what that means? I have a book, my friends. Here are 21 Tips for Writers in 21 Days from the Attic Institute and Biff Zine (thanks, Anne T.!) and… Open Library! (thank you, Terri!) OK, back to writing.
“He said that, by god, D.H. Lawrence was right when he had said there must be a dumb, dark, dull, bitter belly-tension between a man and a woman, and how else could this be achieved save in the long monotony of marriage.” — “Cold Comfort Farm,” Stella Gibbons
“Life isn’t a support-system for art. It’s the other way around.” — Stephen King, “On Writing”
My husband and daughter, playing a duet.
She’s funny, this kid. Two weeks ago she snuggled up next to me, looked at me adoringly and asked me, “Ms. Nancy, why don’t you ever have any good books in your library?”
Ohhhhhhh, let me count how many books (new and new-to-us) I put on the shelves in the past six months: A ton. That’s right.
So she heard I was leaving, Due to Tendonitis and Exceeding Need to Publish My Own Writing (and perhaps start a new internet project, with Stevie. More on that later ;)
Today she gave me a really sweet goodbye card, another big hug, then shoved me away and had a lil fit.
“I want to be a writer. I want to be WRITING!”
My response: “Do it.”
I (heart) kids. Writing. And books. Today? In that order.
…don’t you I think I should stay up all night reading? then in the morning the kids can toast some Eggo waffles (which I always call Eggo Waffos by accident, because to my way of thinking, that just sounds right) and make instant hot cocoa? And i can sleep in!
who’s with me?
of course, it’s not that funny if we end up not having Snowpocalypse again and i have to work tomorrow, after having stayed up all night reading. (just joined a new book club it’s rilly rilly good, the reading list. and most of the titles on the list are FREE on my KINDLE and you know i like FREE.) also, did I mention that i gave notice at my job? again?
because I wanted to, that’s why. i’ll work this week and next, then done, all done.
Honest to mike, those of you who have been following this blog since its humble beginnings and right up until its riotous present, fucking how many jobs have i had since i had kids? Seriously. Search under “work” or “jobs” or “starting next job” or “finishing this job and packing up both of my offices I’m done with this shit” and see what you come up with. At one point I worked in three different offices, in three different buildings — Tigard, Hillsboro and Beaverton, too. I could never remember where I was supposed to be is why I quit.
This latest job is good, but the arm thing is making me nuts. Too much typing.
And am somewhat whimsical girl, damn. That’s fine.
edited 6:46 a.m. Thursday to say……….. SNOW DAY! for both school districts :) So the kids are off and I am, too. hallelujah xo me