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my uterus is broken

October 28th, 2009

OK, some of you have been reading my blog for a long time. Remember this little post, from four years ago? Yeah. I’m having surgery for Christmas. Because a girl should treat herself once in awhile, don’t you think?

send. good. thoughts.

stupid uterus. it’s just like with my thyroid — broken. had to go. all broken parts must go, especially once they start torturing me. am being tortured by my own damn body. everyone i’ve talked with keeps saying “night and day.” “Afterward, it’s just like night and day, the difference. You will not regret it.”

but still, i feel like a dog who is about to be spayed. that is just a horrible thought, I need to get that thought out of my head. This has nothing to do with my female-ness. My qi. It will be okay. Giving up white sugar, white flour, stress, you know what? It wouldn’t change things. My body just grows strange growths, that’s all. It’s a little trick it likes to play. I have de-stressed a lot, but life just includes some stress. even a hermit in a cave somewhere has stress. (“Cold in here. Out of food. Damn. And I have cramps again. Damn.”) The cramps go with you wherever you go is the thing.

okay i have to go to work now. and my son is playing Wii-Fit Plus (which rocks, by the way — lots of new games, and you can customize the work-outs so you don’t have to start and stop all the time). It’s the woot-doot-doot-do-do-doot music that is making me a little distracted here. that, and surgery. at least we have insurance. stupid America.




  1. The Other Laura says

    Sending. good. thoughts.

    and a hug, could you use a hug?

    October 28th, 2009 | #

  2. Lelo says

    Just think about how much better your new uterus free life will be. Who needs to lug that ol’ thing around anyway? A friend of mine recently kicked hers to the curb, and I suggest the theme song “Angry Inch.” You should listen to it too. :)

    October 28th, 2009 | #

  3. WackyMummy says

    I see you and I are peas in a pod lately. Only, it’s either my brain (where the hormone chemicals are) or my ovaries–one of ’em is broken. I’m not looking forward to the surgery either… freaking out a bit about it. In fact, being on the estrogen and my ovaries shut down and this and that I’m having anxiety attack after anxiety attack. Being a woman is hard. You’d think they’d make ’em right to begin with. I got me a lemon here.
    Love your original post… had to go back and read it again. Says it all: Fuck.
    Anyways, I’m having my surgery in January, so not too long after you. By the way, have you heard of hystersisters.com? They’re like an online info and support thingy. Just thought I’d send that your way … a friend of mine who has gone through this was nice enough to send it to me last week.
    We should do coffee sometime.


    October 28th, 2009 | #

  4. edj says

    Sorry. Will be thinking of you and sending virtual chocolate and hugs and wine.

    October 28th, 2009 | #

  5. Wacky Mommy says

    thanks, ladies. i like that new theme song, the hugs, virtual or actual, chocolate, wine (ditto) and… thank you. we’ll see…

    October 28th, 2009 | #

  6. Zipdodah says

    WM, you have supported me through countless surgeries and I will be there for you. Remember the ‘thyroid free’ care package? Count on bigger and better care packages comin’ your way. xxoo z

    October 29th, 2009 | #

  7. LIB says

    Prayers and good thots coming your way!

    Much love!

    October 30th, 2009 | #

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