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March 7th, 2005

A mommy writes and asks:

“Does anyone have suggestions on helpful books, websites, ideas, etc. to help parents ease into the ‘tween transistion?”

(For those of you who don’t know, ‘tween refers to “between little kid
and teenager,” ie hormones can be raging, along with mood swings, etc.
Wanting to snuggle, but wanting to seem “cool,” all that.)


I like the Family Fun website, they’ve got some good ideas for all
ages. At our school they’re big on having the older kids mentor the
younger kids — is she doing any kind of “big sister” stuff, with maybe
Girl Scouts or school? It helps boost their confidence, at a time when
they’re maybe feeling a little unsteady.

And keep her as busy as possible, cuz you know this is the age when
they want to “impress” their friends by doing exceptionally wacky

1 Comment

  1. Henrietta says

    Really make sure to play into whatever it is that seems to interest them, and get interested in that, too- this way you will always have something to stay “connected” about. Remember kids are still quite short-sighted at this age– try to look at their world through their eyes. And try to refrain from judgement- even Power Puff girls (great animation, tongue-in-cheek dialogue) and Pokemon (very detailed and expansive characters) have redeeming qualities. Get them magazines, books, music, classes, whatever applies to their interests (not yours) that you can get your paws on. And get to know their friends, too. They will play an increasing role in the child’s personality and increasingly become their family, and perhaps yours. It’s good to know your family– so you know what your are dealing with. That’s my Henrietta two cents.

    March 7th, 2005 | #

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