“Calm down, Wild Thing!”
We have a saying in our house, courtesy of author Sheila Ballantyne. Her 1975 classic, “Norma Jean the Termite Queen,” is a must-read for all Wacky Mommies. I mean it. Go buy a copy today. Norma Jean has a tantrummer living with her, Damon, and she tells him he needs to tell the Wild Thing inside him to calm down.
He tells the Wild Thing to calm down or he’ll kick its ass.
Wacky Girl, something of a Damon herself, now says, “Don’t calm down, Wild Thing,” thus extending her time-out.
Am trying, myself, to calm down. Am having bout of bronchitis and unable to drink alcohol or eat chocolate as usual. Will blog more later about idiot chocolatiers (is that a word?) and my inability to switch to decaf coffee. Or exercise. Triple blech.
How is life with you, dear readers? I know you’re lurking, but only a couple of you post… The more posts the merrier, I say.
WM, Mother of Wild Things