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The Sopranos

March 19th, 2006

Apparently everyone and his little old rat-faced granny has seen the Sopranos but me. I’m rooting for Adrianna. Heh heh.

OK, even though I haven’t seen any of ’em except for the entire first season, and a couple of episodes here and there, the Sopranos has completely and thoroughly become entrenched in America pop culture and I know all the jokes, I know all about the plots, the characters, I know the recipes from reading them in TV Guide.

It’s a righteous show. The best way for me to watch is to get copies from the library. And while I am 303rd of 366 reserves for the fifth season, I’m four of four for the second season! I mean, hot damn. For those of you not fluent in “library speak,” this means there are 3 people ahead of me on the wait list. Each person gets the set of that entire season for three weeks.

Most of us are crazy, and don’t keep the tapes or DVDs that long because we’re powering through them. Cuz they’re like crack cocaine or Pez, really, they’re that good. So that’s, like, no wait time at all for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th seasons. Fifth is the popular one.

Also? We went hiking in the Columbia River Gorge today. I am so lucky to live here. See? That’s the thing about Oregon. It rains just about 9 months out of the year, combined. But those clear days, when you can see Mt. St. Helens forever (it has no TOP! What happened to its TOP?), this is God’s country and the best place to live in the universe.



PS — Internet, did I mention that I love you? I do.

1 Comment

  1. liv says

    O must have been beautiful! i have just read about Mt St Helens, lol…
    i like sopranos too, although i have seen season 1 yet. it is fun.

    March 21st, 2006 | #

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