Poem of the Day: “I’m Glad the Sky Is Painted Blue”
I’m glad the sky is painted blue,
and the earth is painted green,
with such a lot of nice fresh air
all sandwiched in between.
Well, well, well. When there are no kids at my house, it is extremely quiet. Also I got a little lonely. But not too lonely! Hockey God took me to Sal’s for dinner (salmon for me, veggie lasagna for him). We’ve been going to Pause non-stop, and why? Because Pause kicks ass. We love Pause. But Sal’s is alright, too. Then we drove over to Vancouver, Wash., to see “Knocked Up,” the new film by the “Forty Year Old Virgin” Guy.
(That’s how I refer to him, cuz I can never remember his name. FYOVG.)
(His real name is Judd Apatow.)
Hockey God thought it needed a major re-write. I thought it was funny as hell. We were both right.
WE SLEPT IN. We had tamales, potatoes and fresh fruit salad for breakfast, and a pot of coffee. We got the kids from mom’s (they had a great time, of course), stopped by the library, went out for lunch, now Hockey God’s off to his game. They may win, they may lose, they may push the other players down. It’s hockey, it’s hard to say.
Perfect day today. Perfect weekend.
I think you’re makin’it up. I don’t think that there was any dinner and a movie. I think there was pizza and snuggling.
June 30th, 2007 | #
heh heh heh. Will I ever tell? No.
June 30th, 2007 | #
We lost and pushed the other guys down.
June 30th, 2007 | #
Sounds like a great weekend! NO kids and no fighting, just wait till they get to be my kids’ ages! I am afraid to leave them home to be the hormonal teenagers that they are. I am held captive in my house by teenagers, lol.
I would like to see Knocked up, my son enjoyed it.
July 1st, 2007 | #