Thursday Thirteen #108: Thirteen Reasons I Became a Sunday School Teacher
Thursday 13ers and Usual Suspects,
Are you thinking to yourself, “You know what WM needs to do? The girl needs to become a Sunday School teacher!”??? Were you really? Because I was, too. Spooky!
13 reasons i became a sunday school teacher
by Wacky Mommy
1) I couldn’t find a “real” job
2) If you saw how disorganized I truly am (well, maybe you have a clue, given how random this blog is), you’d realize I really need to throw some stability into my paperwork and life. Lesson plans! A set schedule! A need to wear grown-up clothes!
3) My husband thinks it’s sexy. Meow.
4) I pawned off my children on my unsuspecting mother today, so I was free. FREE! Freeeeeeeeeeee… Mom, thank you, you rock, Mom. I bought myself some take-out for lunch, then I watched a little of “One Life to Live” and a little of “General Hospital.” (Both dull, I am sorry to report. Can we sex it up a little, soaps? Because, damn.)
I was looking through the Good Vibrations sex toys catalog, after I watched “Weeds” on DVD, after I got bored with the soaps. Then I had an iced coffee.
When your children are away for the day, it is good to multi-task.
Then I went to Teacher Training tonight at church! People, it is the little quirks and turns in life that make it beautiful.
5) Also, the church staff asked (read: begged) for volunteers, cuz we were way short on teachers. They needed me!
6) Teaching is stressful, it turns out, and you know what a little stress biscuit I am. High on Stress! (I used to have a T-shirt that said that.)
7) Who needs sex on Sunday mornings when you can go teach 20 little wildcats all about music, love, Zen principles and Earth Day?!?
8) That’s right. I go to a hippie church. An all-inclusive, extremely accepting, gay-friendly, “fudge-packin’, crack-smokin’, Satan-worshippin’ motherfucker” church. (That’s from Nirvana, remember them? Their “good boy” T-shirt said “flower sniffin’, kitty pettin’, baby kissin’ corporate rock whores.”)
Because where else would I fit in? When you see the church-folk marching at the peace rallies here, right behind the No War Drum Corps, that is my church. I love my church. And I would like to say thank you to the drum corps, if they’re reading, for fricking rippin’ it up all the time. (They start off with the drums, we start marching, my daughter asks, “Mommy, why are all those police there?” and points to the 200 cops on bikes. I say, “To escort us!” and off we go.)
9) I like kids. I think they deserve love, peace and no wars. I think that little kids, Iraqi kids especially, deserve for their grandparents to not be killed by the U.S. government. I think the U.S. government should get behind this sentiment. “War Kills Grandmas” was a slogan Wacky Girl came up with, all on her own. I was very proud, the day she dreamed that one up.
I know I gripe about kids all the time, and puzzle over their crazy antics, but at the heart of it? I like kids. I want them to be happy, and know we care about them.
10) We do fun stuff at church, too, not just political and educational stuff. We make art. Read. Have potlucks and picnics. Give each other flowers. Do the baby tree dance around the courtyard.
11) I like the other teachers, they’re kooky.
12) One word: snacks and juice.
13) God loves me.
Cool link. What church do you attend? (if I may ask)
I don’t teach sunday school because I’m not up to getting up early on sundays but I teach CCD (catholic cathechism doctrine) to kids and it is fun but sometimes we gets real brats. ;)
Have a great day!!!
August 30th, 2007 | #
A very interesting list! You got a couple of things absolutely right: kids are wild and crazy, and God loves you.
August 30th, 2007 | #
[…] Wacky Mommy […]
August 30th, 2007 | #
I want to go to your church.
Happy TT!
August 30th, 2007 | #
Do you wear the High on Stress t-shirt when you teach? My kids and I went to a kinda hippie non-denominational church in NC for a while (I was raised Catholic and my husband is Jewish…kids are confused!). It was great…the pastor wore jeans and a t-shirt and there was a rock band. Not to take the wind out of your sails, as I’m sure you were the first choice on their list to teach, but our church was so desperate for Sunday School teachers that they even let me do it!!!
August 30th, 2007 | #
Great TT! I loved the 10 years I taught Sunday School. It was a blast!
August 30th, 2007 | #
I go to hippy church in San Diego, CA! I heart my hippy church! Hurray for diversity in the churchplace!
August 30th, 2007 | #
Happy Thursday!
August 30th, 2007 | #
Interesting list, m’dear.
August 30th, 2007 | #
I would not have become Atheist had I known earlier of your church.
Mine’s up at 13 Famous Dogs
August 30th, 2007 | #
Yep, cuz it sure ain’t my church out there marching in peace marches. Sigh! Maybe someday. We’ll *make it* a hippie church!
They’re liberal, but definitely not hippie.
August 30th, 2007 | #
Hmmm, I like #8. Maybe I’d like to go to a hippie church. :)
August 31st, 2007 | #
Oh Wacky mommy, I want to go to your church. My kids won’t go to the catholic church anymore, I guess the whole politic thing got to them to. You appear to have the right motivation, can I send my kids cross country to you?
August 31st, 2007 | #
Wacky Mommy, I too go to a hippie church…I swear to goodness….only it is held every sunday evening in a pub (Laurelthirst to be exact) with a bunch of old hippies…(Freak Mountain Ramblers) providiing the choir music, and their is wine (and beer) …for religious purposes of course. Some members have been known to march in those peace demonstrations and made front page news, however, this is strictly a personal choice. Personally I think it is the best church in town, but I try to keep it a secret, because it is getting a little too crowded.
September 7th, 2007 | #
Oh, Laurelthirst how I love thee. Megs, your secret is safe here. Hockey God used to play there with the Wholistic Ramblers. My sister lived right around the corner. We liked to party there. My favorite memories are: one evening when my friend Jeff cried because the girls sang “Angel from Montgomery.” He told us, “I just want you guys to know how happy I am, right this very minute.” It was perfect.
Another awesome night was when… okay, how can I describe this to protect the innocent… The lead singer (male) dedicated the Fleetwood Mac song, “I Don’t Want to Know” (“…the reason why love keeps/right on walking on down the line…”) to ME because I had finally figured out that the guy I’d been seeing had a crush on… the lead singer.
Who he was also seeing. It was love — who was I to deny them?
September 7th, 2007 | #
AhHA! Now I know why I like you. We ARE almost members of the same religion.
September 8th, 2007 | #