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another ode to my junkmail

January 15th, 2008

I could not believe /
the amount of quality material /
on this site /
eyecatching /
Undelivered Mail /
Stock breaker report /
Voluminous! /
you have nothing to lose, just a lot to gain! /
Returned mail: Mailbox Full /
Buy a new watch /
Buy a new watch /
failure notice /
failure notice /
failure notice /
Hey baby, how are you? /
Beware of fake pills!


  1. Qanzas says

    At least yours have a bit o’ variety. All of mine are about either Viagra or…erm…enlargement. I worry that when I check my e-mail at work, my co-workers will see a subject line and think I’m cruising porn sites at work or something. Sheesh.

    January 15th, 2008 | #

  2. WackyMommy says

    Qanzas, I “rearranged” some words.

    January 15th, 2008 | #

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