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meet-up was fun

January 26th, 2008

We met, we hung out, admired the kids, Lelo’s cool aprons (skulls and pom-poms and flames), Melissa’s cool books (her name is on the cover)… it was great. I want to do it again soon. Some very awesome people showed up and we had some good talk-talk. The revolution will not be televised, Gil Scott-Heron was right about that, but it is coming over the Internet.

Then I got take-out, came home, had the house to myself for a couple hours (whoa), TOOK A HUGE NAP, then woke up to my husband saying those magic words: “Dinner is ready.”

Now we’re watching the original “Parent Trap,” I’m knitting little snugglies for both kids, and we’re just kickin’ it.

This is my idea of a perfect day.


  1. Steve says

    Not as fun as roller skating at Oaks Park!

    January 26th, 2008 | #

  2. melissa lion says

    Roller-skating. Uh, hello chatting with bloggers? No, it was so much fun and hockeyless war was missed. I’m starting to think he doesn’t exist…except for the blogging….hmm.

    Such a great time. I love my apron! Archie loves his book!

    More more more! I think these meet-ups should be huge. Like ten bloggers at once. Can you imagine?

    I love Gil Scott-Heron. Except for the junkie part. What a genius.

    January 26th, 2008 | #

  3. Lelo says

    That was fun. You ladies are fun, and little Arch, I just want to put him in my pocket. Talk about CUTE. It was a perfect morning. Thank you!

    January 26th, 2008 | #

  4. Pamela says

    It was a lovely gathering. The kids love their books (I’ve already read the Bully Bug book 5 times) and I can’t wait to start reading Melissa’s books. What a cool group of people!

    January 27th, 2008 | #

  5. Elizabeth says

    So much fun! I’ve been skating at Oaks Park…and, while it is fun, we had more fun. :-) Plus, I got to try out Ladybug and it was great! They put a foam heart in my latte. :-)

    It was great meeting you, Wacky Mommy. I hope we can see each other again soon!

    January 27th, 2008 | #

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