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things our frog would say if he could talk…

July 30th, 2008

“You. Lady whose name I don’t know. Get back here. I. Don’t. Care. For frog pellets. Pellets? What are they, dog food? Do I look like a dog in need of kibbles? BLOOD WORMS. Blood worms are what I like. Pour them over my head and I’ll gobble them up. You leaving? You coming back? With the BLOOD WORMS? Aiii.”

(kicks legs, swims away angrily.)

1 Comment

  1. Zipdodah says

    “The frog is a clever amphibian,
    just ask him a question and see.
    Like what do you do when your back is sore
    (pause) “RRUBIT RRUBIT”
    He answers back to me.
    The frog is a clever amphibian,
    just ask him a question and see.
    Like how deep is the froggy pond?
    (pause) “KNEEDEEP, KNEEDEEP”
    He answers back to me!”

    Here’s a lil froggy fun:

    July 31st, 2008 | #

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