What is your credit score and how do you feel about living in a gang infested slum but improving the world by setting a good clean example; all for the sake of having a small yard for my pups and not having ex-cons peering through my slider at my extremely attractive daughter?
What is your credit score and how do you feel about living in a gang infested slum but improving the world by setting a good clean example; all for the sake of having a small yard for my pups and not having ex-cons peering through my slider at my extremely attractive daughter?
Umm, I mean, of course, come away with me.
September 9th, 2008 | #
Vixen and I need some kind of communal living, family compound thing going on, see? For the sake of the children.
September 9th, 2008 | #
Yes. For the children.
September 10th, 2008 | #