Monday Book Review: Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Teachers
Planning to Change the World: A Plan Book for Social Justice Teachers, was edited by Tara Mack and Bree Picower, and is a NYCoRe and Education for Liberation Network Publication.
Look for lists of resources; tips and suggestions; ideas for elementary, middle and high school students; notable dates; quotes and much more. Great book, great resource.
I am late on this review and my apologies, but it has been a busy fall and winter for this first year (non) teacher. (I am classified at this point, not certified to teach.) I received this 2008/2009 edition of this date book last fall, but I see on their website that they are planning on releasing a 2009-2010 edition, so send ’em some business, those of you in the field. (Also would make a great gift for Teacher Appreciation Week, hint hint.)
Here are a few of the websites they shared in the book, if you’re looking for more info:
* The New York Collective of Radical Educators
* The Education for Liberation Network
* Education for Liberation Network’s Online Database
* Teachers 4 Social Justice (click on “study groups”)
* IndyKids (“A Free Paper for Free Kids”)