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for my sis and the redheaded guy — best wishes, now and always

July 8th, 2009


  1. edj says

    Is this an announcement? Are congratulations in order? Can they plan the wedding for July 2010 so we can be there?

    July 9th, 2009 | #

  2. Wacky Mommy says

    It is an annoucement! Wooooooooo-hoooooooo to Wacky Sister and the Redheaded Guy! I will ask them about that date.

    July 9th, 2009 | #

  3. edj says

    YAAAAYY!!!! Such fun news! I was going to suggest Aug 17 2010, which will be my…gasp!…wait for it…TWENTIETH wedding anniv, but I doubt Donn and I will want to celebrate by going to someone else’s wedding. I have something a little more self-centered in mind ;)
    They are very sensible to get married in a decade year. Makes doing the math so much easier.

    July 10th, 2009 | #

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