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my pick for Dancing with the Stars: DEBI MAZAR!!!!

August 26th, 2009

Debi, we love ya, Debi! Go, go, go!


  1. WackyMummy says

    Cool. I didn’t know she knew Madonna. But then, I didn’t know she could dance either!

    August 26th, 2009 | #

  2. Jo Ness says

    Nice to meet you Wacky Mummy…

    I created and moderate Debi Mazar’s Official ‘DWTS’ myspace. Gabo supplied me with some great photos and the thumbs up to do so…please stop on by if you have a myspace..and join in the excitement…;)) The show premiers on Sept. 21st. on “ABC’…3 day event…;))


    August 26th, 2009 | #

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