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Grace Paley poem for rainy Sunday evening

September 18th, 2011

“The Sad Children’s Song”
by Grace Paley

This house is a wreck said the children
when they came home with their children
Your papers are all over the place
The chairs are covered with books
and look brown leaves are piled on the floor
under the wandering Jews

Your face is a wreck said the children
when they came home with their children
There are lines all over your face
your neck’s like a curious turtle’s
Why did you let yourself go?
Where are you going without us?

This world is a wreck said the children
When they came home with their children
There are bombs all over the place
There’s no water The fields are all poisoned
Why did you leave things like this?
Where can we go said the children
What can we say to our children?


  1. WackyMommy says

    i must add, WordPress won’t let me add the breaks correctly. There should be long spaces between:

    look (space) brown leaves


    no water (space) the fields

    plz adjust your poetry reading accordingly.

    — wm

    September 18th, 2011 | #

  2. Frank says

    “Kids say the darndest things.” (Art Linkletter0

    September 18th, 2011 | #

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