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i don’t do chain mail… but I do do QOTD

February 11th, 2011

Quote of the day (from one of my girlfriends):

“May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.”

“She’s sometimes too good a mom…”

February 9th, 2011

one guy to another, at Starbucks this morning: “To her credit, my wife is a good mom.” (big pause… I’m thinking, Wait for it, wait for it…) “She’s sometimes too good a mom, if you know what I mean.” (yeah, there it was.)

they exchange meaningful looks.

well, no, I don’t know what you mean, will you please explain?

happy tuesday……. new GLEE! on tonight yayyayyayyay and American Idol manana

February 8th, 2011

qotd: Wilde & a garden update

February 7th, 2011

“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” — Oscar Wilde

Maybe I should post some before and after pix of our yard? The lot is terraced in the back, had some raised beds that were reinforced with pressure-treated wood (ie, nasty if you want to grow vegetables and berries) and needs a big ol’ makeover. Bones? Three birch trees, one of which was dead and already got yanked out by Steve. The other two were planted too close together. And there’s a pine tree in a pot, back in the other corner. I call it Pine Barrens.

I did plant some primroses, and Steve tore apart one of the raised boxes, only to find that half of the good wood (cedar) was rotted. We spent a big chunk of the weekend (along with Wacky Girl, who sketched for us) trying to make a blueprint of how we want the garden and yard to look. Wacky Boy doesn’t want to lose any of the grass; we want to lose all of the grass. We are a work-in-progress.

Will post pix when it stops raining long enough to go out and snap some.

Happy Monday, yins. Sorry, Steelers. (Dan, how could I forget Pittsburgh was playing? It’s Steve’s hometown. Bad football fan, bad, bad ;)

— wm


February 6th, 2011

…i will write a story about my childhood, and it will all begin with how messed-up “I’m OK — You’re OK” and Transactional Analysis really are, but… that day will not be today. HaHA!

— wm

ps did u know that Steve has been blogging for five years this month and I’ve been blogging for six? Happy anniversary to us!

Sunday Recipe Club: homemade granola and an Un-Superbowl Party

February 6th, 2011

* 1 1/2 cup shredded coconut, unsweetened
* 3 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
* 2 cups chopped pecans
* 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
* 3/4 cup maple syrup
* 1/2 cup dark brown sugar (packed)
* 1/2 cup olive oil
* 1 cup bing cherries, raisins, cranberries, etc.


1. Heat oven to 300-325 degrees.

2. Whisk ingredients together (except cherries).

3. Bake for 45-60 minutes total, until golden brown. (Stir every 20 minutes.)

4. Add cherries in last five minutes.

5. Cool completely and store in airtight container.

(My daughter says anyone who says nom-nom-nom ever again is going to get punched in the neck. So all I can say here is… mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…) (edited later to say, it turned out so good. I added dried cranberries and cut-up apricots. i’m never buying granola at the store again.)

Big announcement: We are having an Un-Superbowl Party over here. It starts right now. First, we’re watching “Romeo + Juliet,” not the Zeffirelli version. Then the Puppy Bowl (Animal Planet). A little All-Star hockey, a little college hockey, perhaps? Some snacks, some more snacks. And “GLEE!” The end.

qotd (thanks, Anu!)

February 2nd, 2011

“Many wind up in jobs irrelevant to their training. That helot frothing your coffee expected to become a barrister, not a barista.” — Jonathan Guthrie; Russell Groupies to Target Newbie Unis; Financial Times (London, UK); Sep 23, 2010

(Do you subscribe to A.Word.A.Day, by chance? It’s the best listserv I subscribe to — tied with my library listservs for first place. Happy Groundhog Day, woo-hooooooooo…)

seriously. between the time I went downstairs and came back up here, I forgot what I was going to post.

January 31st, 2011

The first- and second-graders at my school invited me to their Groundhog Day party on Wednesday, and their teacher told them, Now, we’ll have to go get her because you know she’ll forget.

My reputation, it haunts me wherever I go.

Hmmmmmm, what’s this?

That’s right… we went to the Harry Potter exhibit at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle. (Allegedly they’re going all Star Wars for the next exhibit.) It was very cool except for Bellatrix’s black dress and Umbridge’s pink suit with the kitty-cat pin… well. Both outfits, even without Ms. Lestrange and Dolores inside of ’em terrified me, honestly, yet I couldn’t stop staring at them. And You-Know-Who’s outfit uh-uh, don’t come near me, You-Know-Who. Really good show. They extended the run and it’s there through mid-February, if you’re in that part of the world or can drive there. (We drove. Also, can you believe that even though I am a lifelong Portland girl, this was only the third time I’ve ever been to Seattle? Hahahahaha. No, seriously. They put a stamp on your birth certificate in the hospital, it says PORTLAND ONLY in red. True!) We went to the Seattle Aquarium and saw the river otters and the sea otters and it was Hawaiian day so I could’ve gotten lei’ed but, you know. No thanks. (Allegedly they’re having Octopus Week in February, so be on the look-out for that, if you visit.)

What else? Went to the Pike Place Market and the guys were NOT there throwing the fish around, their stand was closed. No reason was given. I did buy some cool little Buddha statues, and snow globes, and the kids had their fortunes told by an animatronic lady. Hmmm. Yes, in retrospect, it was a good trip, thanks for asking!

If I ever remember what else I was going to blah-blah-blog about I’ll add it later.



ps how cute is that that they’re having a Groundhog Day party and want me to attend? For reals, so cute.

just to set the record straight…

January 27th, 2011

if you happen to get an e-mail from me that looks like this? it is not me, Ave, my friend, it is Sir Spam-A-Lot:

Ave, my friend

I met in the street a very poor young man who was in love. His hat was old, his coat worn; his cloak was out at the elbows, the water passed through his shoes – and the stars through his soul.

Honey, the stars were never as wondrous as they were when I met you in my dreams the other night. At last, I understood God better. And I learned that life holds many beautiful surprises and that even storms can be wonderful. My heart is overflowing with romantic thoughts of you and I hope to find you at (blah blah blah dot net) here.

Oll A.

However, if you see this poem? That’s right, it’s from me:

“My hat is old, my teeth are gold.
I have a bird I like to hold.
My shoe is off, my foot is cold.
My shoe is off, my foot is cold.
I have a bird I like to hold.
My hat is old, my teeth are gold.
And now my story is all told.”

— Dr. Seuss, “One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish”

Good? Happy almost-weekend!

— wm

because this one always bears repeating — QOTD (Sherman Alexie)

January 25th, 2011

Excerpted interview with author Sherman Alexie, from 1/5/97 issue of the New York Times Magazine:

Q: True, but you’re clearly angry, especially at whites who try to “connect” by immersing themselves in Indian culture. How would you have whites treat modern Indians?

A: No. 1, recognize that we are sovereign entities, with absolute political, social and economic rights on our land. No. 2, that’s all I care about. Other than that, leave our culture alone.

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