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Wednesday Recipe Club: Donut Puffs

February 17th, 2010

my favorite donut recipe… ever.


2 eggs, beaten
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup milk
2 cups sifted flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 T butter

Crisco or oil for deep frying

1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tsp nutmeg or cinnamon or…

powdered sugar

Mix ingredients, dip batter by spoonful into oil, fry ’em. Let cool on paper towels.

Roll in sugar/nutmeg, sugar/cinnamon or powdered sugar.

“Mmm… donuts…” — Homer Simpson

it’s c-c-cold in Florida!

February 16th, 2010

The Beechers are so nice.

happy VD, clap, everybody, clap!

February 14th, 2010

(because you knew i had to say it.)

steve took me out for a bite to eat. and vodka, cuz we’re moving and it was the middle of the afternoon and I was having an “episode.”

steve, looking around the bar (because where else would you go, in North Portland, in the middle of the afternoon on Valentine’s Day?): “I won’t miss the ironic North Portland hipsters.”

me: “yes you will.”

then i eyed four sets of lesbians making out at the bar. four sets. that’s sixteen breasts, for those of you who are counting. i gave a little sigh.

“I’ll miss that.”

i was thinking, i’ve lived in North/Northeast Portland my entire life, right? Then steve asks, Didn’t you live in New York? (my son, suddenly impressed): “You lived in New York?” me: “yeah, for awhile.)

and i lived in Southeast (off Hawthorne, and in Ladd’s Addition, in an old church; also in a heinous apartment complex in Southwest for awhile; and in chi-chi Multnomah Village — Southwest PDX — and in chi-chi Westmoreland — Southeast PDX).

I’ve lived other places.

i’ll be fine.

house on market asap; will keep y’all posted. It stinks like cleaning products in here, gives me headache and sneezes. am glad i’m not frantic mad housekeeper; it can’t be good for your brain cells.


your little hunny,


my blog turns 5 this Sunday, woot!

February 10th, 2010

Steve’s blogs are having their birthdays this month, too. (Go tell him to write about peace on his blog, would you? Tell him to give peace a chance.) (Again.)

Would you like some February “greatest hits” from over the years? Sure, why not?

Feb. 2005

Feb. 2006

Feb. 2007

Feb. 2008

Feb. 2009

Bon appetit!

— wm

a note from Mrs. Dwight Yoakam

February 8th, 2010

There is very little that bugs me about my husband, Hockey God. (Yes, he claims he’s on sabbatical.) (“There’s no crying in baseball!” — Tom Hanks in “A League of Their Own”) (Yeah, whatever, Mr. I’m-So-Busy, Mr. Sabbatical.)

Anyway. He rocks. He’s a great cook, father, lover, husband and gardener. He pretty much always gives me my way, even when I don’t cry. (“There is crying in marriage.” — Wacky Mommy) He watches “It’s a Wonderful Life,” “White Christmas,” “North by Northwest,” “Vertigo” and “Rear Window” with me, over and over and over. (Is there anything sexier than Grace Kelly telling Jimmy Stewart, “Preview of coming attractions…”? No, there is not.)

He’s buying me a new house because I’ve been ready to go for a long time now.

But one thing about him drives me nuts. OK, two. 1) He can’t stand when I talk during movies, but hello, sometimes I need to ask him what’s happening with the plot, especially if it’s one of those suspense/intrigue type of movies and 2) He thinks he knows the words to Dwight Yoakam’s “Guitars, Cadillacs” and he just doesn’t. Also he thinks he can sing like Dwight (“He sings like Fozzy Bear, it’s not that hard!”) and he just can’t.

Other than that, he’s perfect.

Happy Valentine’s Day, lover. Here’s to many more.

some thoughts on family life

February 7th, 2010

gosh, you can really use up a lot of geedee boxes when you’ve been squirreling away possessions like a family of squirrels hoarding nuts for ten years.


finding all kinds of crazy stuff: lost earrings, stuffed animals, favorite sweaters, shirts and panties (bedazzled!), the “6” date for the magnetic calendar. But the best thing has been 10 years’ worth of pix of the kids and journals.

from the preschool days: my daughter made up a dance and called it “the African Fresh Melon Dance.” It was wild, you should have seen it — all gyrating limbs and a lot of hopping.

She also wrote her first book: “The Dinosaurs of You.”

She’s still writing, and dancing. So are we.

“I don’t dance anymore!” — Wacky Girl



what is the point of having a blog if you can’t tell everyone what’s going on?

February 7th, 2010

a lot is going on. bad things, tragic things, wonderful things, sexy things, not-so-sexy things. lots of equilibrium and disequilibrium and WHAT IS THE POINT OF BLOGGING if i can’t GIVE IT MY ALL?

i am giving it my all, believe me, just can’t write about it.

everything is fine with Wacky Family, the three funny, furry cats, the fish, frogs and snails, we’re fine. but in the bigger picture? for some of us things are not so fine. I worry. but at the same time, there is happiness. Peace might happen someday (“there’s a chance/peace will come/in your life/please buy one” — Melanie, “Peace Will Come/According to Plan”) (my favorite song when i was 7, which is the exact age my boy is right now.) Here she is with those little peaceniks, June and Johnny. And here she is, live.

I would like to request that all the long-haired hippie girls with their guitars come back and help us work on peace some more.

Peace is not trite. I want peace.

this song is so pretty, i have to give you all the lyrics:

“There’s a chance peace will come in your life please buy one

For sometimes when I am feeling as big as the land
With the velvet hill in the small of my back
And my hands are playing the sand

And my feet are swimming in all of the waters
All of the rivers are givers to the ocean
According to plan, according to man

Well sometimes when I am feeling so grand
And I become the world
And the world becomes a man

And my song becomes a part of the river
I cry out to keep me just the way I am
According to plan

According to man, according to plan
According to man, according to plan

For sometimes when we have reached the end
With the velvet hill in the small of my backs
And our hands are clutching the sand

Will our blood become a part of the river
All of the rivers are givers to the ocean
According to plan, according to man

There’s a chance peace will come
In your life please buy one”

Reading this week:

bonnie raitt & jackson browne: “my opening farewell”

January 31st, 2010

i wrote something

January 26th, 2010

it’s over at PPS Equity.

— wm

questions of the day…

January 23rd, 2010

1) Why doesn’t my husband love basketball more and hockey less? “More basketball, less hockey,” says L. Hell yes to that.

2) Coffee?

3) When will I learn that the house won’t pack itself?

4) Coffee?

5) Are those finches or bushtits? Bushtits.

6) Coffee?

7) That’s all.

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