Excellent Blog
2007 Inspiring Blog
Rockin' Girl Blogger

re: facebook and myspace

February 26th, 2009

Dear “Friends” (and i use the term “loosely”),

Stop inquiring as to whether I would FaceBook or MySpace with you. I will not. Have blog, will travel.

“And now do you like my hat?”
“No, I do not!”
“Goodbye again.”

— “Go, Dog. Go!” — P.D. Eastman



well HELL

January 16th, 2009

If I could clone myself I would. One of me would go to work, one would have a spa day, one could keep all my appointments and one could go volunteer at the kids’ school, have lunch with them and give them a lift home.

here are bullets for you…

* It has been a crazy few months.

* I am starting a second new job, because why work just one job when you can work two? (They are both half-time.) (That equals one full-time job, which you math teachers out there probably already figured out.)

* Reading: Harry Potter 5, Everything on a Waffle, Jacob Have I Loved, more Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.

* I have no appetite, yet am barely losing any weight.

* Our female guppy died, our male guppy, one of the leopard catfish, one of the neon tetras. The shrimp is doing fine, as are the blackskirt tetras, the rest of the neons, and the ugly, despicable snails.

* “Maybe those guppies had some issues” — Wacky Girl

* “Mom, why is it usually skinny people who are on Weight Watchers?” — Wacky Girl, as she balances on my exercise ball.

* “Hey! That’s very personal!” — Wacky Girl

* Friday Night Lights is REVIVED and back on NBC in just half an hour. Gotta go, Spocky.



? Hola, como estas?

January 9th, 2009

You know what I haven’t done all week?

* taken a breath
* watched TV
* spent any time with my own children
* read enough Harry Potter 5
* fed the cats (my daughter has, though — don’t worry!)
* “dealt with” the laundry

So, that’s what I will do this weekend. You?


PS — our blogs were down for an indeterminate amount of time, i heard from Hockey God. Sorry. We good?

where did this week go?

January 8th, 2009

happy almost weekend.



Technical difficulties

December 21st, 2008

Due to ever-increasing visitor loads, the server that hosts this blog (and a few others) is no longer able to keep up. Coincidentally, our router is failing. And we’re dealing with snow and ice in Portland, which could easily lead to prolonged power outages.

A new, more powerful server is on order for the new year, and a new router should be installed in the next two days. Meanwhile, don’t be surprised if we’re offline from time to time in the next couple weeks!

it’s snowing!

December 12th, 2008

Not in Portland — on my blog. heh heh heh heh.

the way things are going around here

August 18th, 2008

“Hold me and hold me and hold me…”
our daughter, at age 2

“I just made Love Potion #9. It’s pink.”
our son, at age 6

“For truly it is to be noted, that children’s plays are not sports, and should be deemed as their most serious actions.” — Michel de Montaigne, essayist (1533-1592)

You know my blog? This one? What the heck kind of blog is this, anyway? (more…)

wanna go Way Back?

August 14th, 2008

Here’s a good site, if you haven’t already seen this one.

How about this, for instance? Now, that’s a look.

Or this?

Eh. I do need a makeover.

Heh heh. It’s too hot to sleep, yeesh.

hey, I have a question

August 14th, 2008

Internets, does it bother you that I don’t run photos here? I am not a photographer, I just write. And we don’t run pix of the kids, anyway, when we do run pix. I’ve been so busy with the new job, and the kids’ summer schedule, that I haven’t had a lot of time to write. I miss it. I’ll try to be more chop-chop about it.

As for pictures… I always love the foodie pix Lelo runs. I go back to her site over and over, even when I’ve already read the entry (she’s a great cook, writer and photographer and designer. That girl!), cuz the photos are so yummy. Sometimes I like looking at a lot of photos when I’m cruising the blogs; other times they take too long to load and I get impatient. You?



new blogs to read…

July 21st, 2008

I found a couple new ones — here is…

Radio Gretchen and…

Caffeinated Librarian (plus “vintage” Caffeinated Librarian)


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