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Tuesday Recipe Club: Pesto Frittata with Roasted Asparagus

March 21st, 2006

Perfect for brunch, or a nice fattening dinner. Makes two to four servings, depending.

Bon appetit!


Pesto Frittata with Roasted Asparagus


Tuesday Recipe Club: Sweet Chili Yams & Cincy Chili High-Country Style

March 14th, 2006

Here are two awesome recipes. One is from Wacky H, in Portland, Ore., and the other is from her friend, who lives in Colorado.

Sweet Chili Yams and Cincy Chili High-Country Style. These recipes are great — give them a try and let me know what you think. As always, send me a recipe if you’d like and I’ll run it.

Bon appetit.



Tuesday Recipe Club: Veggie Cream Cheese Snacks

March 7th, 2006

From the recipe chain-mail club…


2 packages crescent rolls � pat out on jelly roll pan or cookie sheet and bake as directed. Cool completely.

Mix well: 2 packages cream cheese (8 oz each)
1 cup mayonnaise
1 package dry ranch dressing mix

Frost the cooled roll mix with the cream cheese mixture.

In a bowl mix � cup of each, finely chopped or grated:
Red Pepper
Green Pepper
Green Onions
Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Mix the vegetables and cheese together and top the frosted roll. Spread all over and press firmly into the cream cheese frosting mixture.

Cut into squares and serve.

Tuesday Recipe Club: Brunch Casserole; Eggs, Oatmeal & Berries

February 28th, 2006

“The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.”

— Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writer (1906-2001)

I cannot be insincere, or lie to you, Internet. A lot of my time revolves around What to Cook. Will it be on the table at 7, when Hockey God gets home, or more like 8:30, when I finally pull my head out of the oven? And will the kids eat it? Really do not care about that one anymore. I’m extremely tired of being slave to my kids. They’re growing fine. And they’ll never be forced to eat oxtails or tamales in a can, like I was as a kid. So their complaints go in one ear and right back out.

We mostly dine at home. Especially since the last two years have been remodel from hell and eating dinner out? Perdon? (I fantasize about it, really. And in the fantasies, I always order french fries. And a big slab of chocolate cake.)

I’m making this column a weekly feature. Chain mails? Flippin’ hate chain mails. But when N hooked my name onto one I was so happy when those recipes started coming in. If anyone has recipes to share, please e them to me, or just do a post! Am tired of cooking, but trying to stay inspired… Have a superfine Tuesday.

from the files of Wacky Great-Grandma, with modifications by Wacky Mommy
(this is a make-ahead dish)


Tuesday Recipe Club: Tortilla Pie

February 20th, 2006

Here, I’ll write this in the style of Betty Crocker ‘s Cook Book for Boys and Girls, so you can deal. This recipe is total comfort food. Thank you to Zipdodah for suggesting it. It sounded so good when she described it, I put away everything I was fixing for dinner and made my own version of this instead. Then made it again two nights later. Then got on the scale and decided to not fix it for awhile. It’s like a Seven-Layer Dip only more layers, and yummier.


Crockpot Chili with Wine

January 17th, 2006

You’re probably wondering to yourself, “Self, I wonder what the hell Wacky Mommy is cooking in that Rival Crockpot today?”

Chili with Wine, baby, and it is goooooooooooooooood.


Advice Column for Wacky Mothers & Others

December 11th, 2005

more, more, more…

Dear Wacky Mommy:

This has been a rotten year for me financially. Is there a tactful way to tell friends and family, “Don’t expect anything too great, I’m broke”? I don’t want to be a Scrooge.


Too Poor to Pay Attention


Friday Advice Column for Wacky Mothers & Others

November 4th, 2005

Dear Wacky Mommy:

I am going to school and working full time. My house is filled with men, so the housekeeping . . . . . well, we won’t go there. Anyway, even though I’m up to my eyeballs with things to do that will never get done, I still try to put dinner on the table (made by me, not Costco) once a week.

Do you have any recipes or time-saving ideas so that I can do this mighty feat at least twice in one week without a lot of stress? Helllllllllp Meeeeeeeee, Plleeeeease!

Pizza Mom


Potatoes or Melons

October 8th, 2005

Contractors almost finished — they just have a railing to put up on the porch and are done.

Have been researching fibroids, ie — calling all my Wacky Girlfriends and saying “WTF?” and looking at scary pictures on the Internet.

Sometimes fibroids get as big as potatoes, sometimes as big as melons. Sometimes you have to have your uterus removed, along with Alien Growth, sometimes you stop growing them when you hit menopause, sometimes they just stay small and “hang out in there,” as one Wacky Girlfriend put it. Yeesh.

I need to go bake cookies now. Too depressed about this. Here’s a recipe:


Peanut Butter Playdough

August 16th, 2005


1 cup honey
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup dry powdered milk

Mix ingredients. Add additional milk if necessary to make the dough pliable. This dough is extremely edible. (Not for kids under age one.)

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