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2007 Inspiring Blog
Rockin' Girl Blogger

blog today

August 20th, 2005

first blog from Wacky Boy:

I like to play video games. I like to jump in the swimming pool. I like to play with games.

Wacky Girl: He likes to go in my room and mess up my bed.

WB: Yeah.

WG: Now it’s about me! We saw March of the Penguins last night and it was good. You should go see it! I liked March of the Penguins. There was a fat little baby penguin. He was funny. His head was thrown back because he was so fat that he could barely walk.

A lot of the other penguins were doing that, too. It was snowy. It was really snowy. There was a couple storms. At the end, all of the penguins jumped in the ocean and swam. My Grandma came with us. She liked it, too.

WM: It’s rated G and is extremely family-friendly. I loved it, too. I want more, more, more National Geo specials on the big screen and less people-blowing-shit-up films. Is that too much to ask? Another thing — March of the Penguins makes the job of being a human parent look so easy by comparison. These penguins do the hardest work in the whole world. They are my new heroes.

ps i got the job i interviewed for a couple weeks ago! Get the hell out! me? working outside the home? I don’t speak grown-up anymore. I’ll remember, somehow, I’m sure.

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