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a fairy tale from a girlfriend…

November 30th, 2005

World’s Shortest Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy, “Will you marry me?”

The guy said, “No.”

And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, dancing, camping, drank martinis, always had a clean house, and never had to cook.

The end.

(My version: I bought a Kate Spade handbag tonight. It’s gorgeous. The end. WM)


  1. WD says

    Ummm…. Okay. What should I make of that?

    December 1st, 2005 | #

  2. Wacky Mommy says

    The handbag was an early Christmas gift from my husband. Such a sweetheart.

    December 1st, 2005 | #

  3. WD says

    That’s it… I’m going back to the hockey shop and buying those $500 custom fit skates.

    December 2nd, 2005 | #

  4. Wacky Mommy says

    More than my purse cost. It’s Amalah’s fault! Her and her love of Coach bags. Ah, Coach…

    December 2nd, 2005 | #

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