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ho. ho. ho’s.

December 11th, 2008

I am feeling EXTRA HOLIDAY CHEERFUL cuz I just looked at the nativity scene Beth’s kid made out of Legos and the angel her other kid made out of tinfoil and kleenex. Some kids, you put ’em in a 3rd world country and they just thrive. Also, she’s crazeee and made the snow fly all over her blog when you call it up.


I have not so much creativity over here.

Also, “dinner” is a “problem” again. No appetite, thus I don’t feel like cooking. I’ve had no appetite for something like four or five months. Oddly, not losing weight. (Yes, I’ve gone to the doctor, nothing is wrong. Other than I’m “kooky.”)

A parent stopped by the blog and traumatized me the other day and now I don’t feel like writing. I think it’s someone I know, in person. I think we’ve been at a party together. Fucking don’t traumatize me on my own blog. Fucking pick up the phone and call me or send an e if you’ve got an “issue” with me.

Apology ensued but left me a little baffled.

It’s grade school, it’s not Harvard.

Here’s a joke a kid told me yesterday: “You know why 6 was scared of 7? CUZ 7 8 9! HAHAHAHAHA!”

This is what kids worry about: Is the joke funny or not?

Adults could learn a little something here.




  1. Nan says

    My kids loved the Planet Nomad Nativity Scene,and then I got all worried because WHAT”S THIS WHITE STUFF? HAPPENING ON MY SCREEN? AAAAARGH! And then I realised what a nerd I am.

    December 11th, 2008 | #

  2. edj says

    The snow is a wordpress thing. Like I could have come up with that on my own? I know how to turn it on (till Jan 4th) but that’s it. My kids are the creative ones, not me. :)
    And I made this awesome soup, only with chorizo I got in Spain because we are saving the bacon for Christmas morning: http://www.potatosouprecipe.co.....toSoup.htm

    December 12th, 2008 | #

  3. LIB says

    I have a joke in the same vein:

    Q. During December, the alphabet has only 25 letters. Do you know why that is?

    A. No ‘L’ (noel).

    Pretty good, eh? You’re welcome.

    December 17th, 2008 | #

  4. wacky cousin says

    And that joke? Not funny, kids.

    December 18th, 2008 | #

  5. WackyMommy says

    Lib, wacky cousin has never appreciated a GOOD JOKE, being a jaded cynic from a young age.

    I laughed so hard at the joke, told my kids, and they were all, Ha! Ha! Mom thinks she’s funny!

    heh heh heh heh heh heppy holidays…

    December 18th, 2008 | #

  6. wacky cousin says

    Oh. The No “L” one is funny. It’s the other one. That 789 joke is my nemesis. I have no sense of humor where that joke is concerned.
    Next time, I will read the other comments before commenting. I will maybe seem like less of a jerk. Sorry about that.

    December 19th, 2008 | #

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