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the kid is feeling a little better

March 27th, 2008

The antibiotics reportedly taste like “GRASS and DIRT! I hope you KNOW THIS!” says my son.

I do know one thing — if you’re yelling and complaining like that, you’re feeling better.

Will keep you all posted. Happy Thursday. Sorry 13ers — no list of my own today. But the whole trying to get the kid to take his antibiotics reminded me of this… I don’t know who wrote it, but it’s awfully funny. xo wm


The Dog, The Cat and The Rat

February 28th, 2008

I love this crazy clip. Thanks to my father-in-law for sending it along.

a story about someone else’s sweetie-pie dog

January 30th, 2008

Go read Nan’s story about her doggie, Towser. You might cry a little, but it’s so worth it. Someone else misses her black Lab, too.

Do you remember, dear readers?

January 28th, 2008

Have you been reading this blog for awhile? Do you remember last year when my dog died, then we got lice and were dirty sluts, then I got rilly rilly sad?

I don’t feel so sad right now, although of course I still miss my sweet little 100-pound dog. This is your friendly reminder to go check heads at your house, shampoo regularly with tea tree oil, and get some sleep. (I don’t know why I threw that one in. I guess we all could use more sleep. And hydration. So drink a glass or two of water, would you?)

Also, if you have a dog, go take him for a walk and give him a pat on the head from me.



Dooce gets EVERYTHING I do not

January 2nd, 2008

Dooce got a dog for Christmas. A DOG! Jon got her a dog. Hockey God did not get me a dog, even though I requested a dog, like, seventy-five or ninety times.

I need a dog, doggone it. I already have a bed for it.

So. You Got A New Cat.

November 11th, 2007

"Happy now?"

Happy now?

Wacky Kitty 3, welcome home, buddy-boy

November 7th, 2007

Wanna see pix of our newest family member? He’s over there in Flickr, purring. Where did we get him? From our yard. He was out there in the rain, skinny, hungry, covered in fleas.
Miserable Life Here, Eh?
Meowing all the time and wanting some pets on the head.

Not neutered. Of course he wasn’t neutered, so there are all kinds of cats, younger than he is and looking just like him, oddly enough, throughout the neighborhood.

He was catting around.

The kids: “Mom, that little black and white cat is back!”

Hockey God: “What a surprise.”

After I dropped the kids off at school in the morning, he would be stretched out on the parking strip, hunting birds and mice. He’d meow hello at me. I fell for him. Put him in a cat carrier, took him in for shots, neutering, de-worming, de-fleaing. Then he was supposedly to go off to the Humane Society, where I would track him on the computer until he found a home, or go rescue him if he didn’t.

You can probably guess how that one went. No room at the inn, me on the phone, my husband saying, “Take him home, already,” excited kids, happy me, one blissed-out kitty cat, stretched out on a blanket on the best chair in the house, sleeping. And eating. And sleeping some more. He’s doing OK with the other cats, although being Young Stud he is a little too rowdy sometimes.

Then I get a call.

Female voice (sniffling and snorking): “I’m calling? About your little black and white cat?” (sobbing.)
me (worried he’s been hit): “Is he OK???”
Female on the other end of phone: “Yeah, he’s not hit or anything, he’s on the sidewalk here? I’m petting him. It’s just… Where did you get him?”
me: “From our yard. Wait.. he’s yours?”

Yeah, he was hers. “Was,” I just said. Because after she talked with my daughter, explained the deal, and I got back on the line, she decided we needed to keep the (un-neutered, flea-bitten) kitty-witty.

Female voice: “She’s real attached to him now, huh? I got him off Craig’s List for ten bucks. He’s sweet, isn’t he?”
Me: “Yeah, he’s adorable.”

He’s a little over a year old. Much back and forth, that went like this… are you sure? I don’t want to steal your cat, here. Not that I’ve ever done that before. Uh, maybe I did, but just that once. No, really — it’s okay, we got two other cats. Us, too! Yeah, it’s a small kitty-cat world, isn’t it? Are you sure it’s OK? Yeah, I got him for my mom, but she will be so glad to hear your daughter loves him so much. She really does love him. Thank you. No, thank you. Really — thanks.

So welcome home, for keeps, Wacky Cat 3. We love you.

cats don’t go to Hell

October 17th, 2007

Hockey God, on his way out of the room, tells me, “I’ll see you in bed.”

Then says to Wacky Cat One, “I’ll see you in Hell.”

A Memo from Sir President Cares-A-Lot

October 3rd, 2007

Dear American Kids,
You’re SOL for health care, do you know what “SOL” means? Ask mommy! We have people to go blow up now, and big, shiny weapons to buy. I like shiny things, don’t you?


Friday Book & Film Review

July 13th, 2007

Reviewed today:

Little reviews today — only one kid is home, the girl is at Grandma’s. The boy wants to blow up my computer. Must post, post-haste… (more…)

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