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frickin’ freakin’ freaky friday

May 2nd, 2008

internets, i would like to blog, but i still feel like hell. Also, why did I work today? Zip said, It will be too much. Steve said, It will be too much. They were right. Again.

Finally watched Juno, it was good. And started in on Season Two of the Wire, which, when you’re coming out of anesthetic, is just not so much fun to watch. Dead bodies and all. The new episode of the Office last night made me sad. I love the Office — do not make me sad, Office. You are there to entertain, got it?

I can’t concentrate on books — the words go all swimmy together.

Maybe it’s the anesthetic talking, I’ve got no idea.

Off to change back into p.j.’s. Leave me notes if you want, I’ll check in later.



The Office is back!!!!

April 10th, 2008

“Snip-snap, snip-snap, snip-SNAP!”
— Michael Scott, The Office

“I hate beet salad. The thought of popping one of your beets into my mouth makes me want to vomit.”
Angela, to Dwight

“I think she might be trying to poison me.”
— Michael, to Pam, on Jan

— Michael to Jan

Private note to my kids: Sorry I was ignoring you earlier. I really needed to talk on the phone. Really. I’ll pay attention to you all weekend. We have three days. Except I’m not going to any birthday parties with you this month, only your dad is, so you’re all his for one of those afternoons. Sorry. Love, Mommy

Private note to my husband: Thanks for making dinner. Again.

Private note to my PTA friends: I find PTA challenging at times, ie always, yet I keep coming back for more.

Private note to Zip: Does that make me a masochist?

Private note to the Internets: Yesterday, the Surgeon General OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Rear Admiral Steven K. Galson, M.D., M.P.H., shook my hand. Can you believe it?



Thursday Thirteen Ed. #127: 13 quotes, all from the same episode of “Big Love”

January 9th, 2008

13. “Step away from my Navigator. I have to pick up my dress.”

12. “Benny thinks he wants to be a polygamist.”
“OK, fine. Enjoy your future daughters-in-law.”

11. “But afterwards, Ben has to stay and go to Sun Valley with us… He’ll be surrounded by exceptional people.”

10. On dealing with jealousy: “I sublimate it, because I’m serving a higher purpose. In your case there’s no higher purpose, which is why it’s a problem.”

9. “Listen to me — she is a used-up hag. Sarah, you are as fresh as a flower. That’s where your strength lies.”

8. “Hold on to your chastity, but show him what he’s missing.”

7. Wife 2 to Wife 1: “Look, when Number One and Two throw their lots together, there’s nothing they can’t accomplish.”

6. “Yes, I have three wives. And I’m committed to all of them. And you fooling around with girls on the side is not the same thing and you know it.”

5-1. “Mommy’s on a very short leash…” “They were sealed?” “But Mommy is sealed to Daddy…” (chaos ensues) “So the last thing Mommy needs is to have you galloping around having a little polygamist melt-down, huh?” “No. I’m staying.”

(from Season 2, “Take Me As I Am”)

(I love this psycho show.)

(Especially Margene.)

(Happy Thursday!)

Thursday Thirteen Ed. #122: I Do Love Television

December 5th, 2007

Dearest Thursday Thirteeners and Usual Suspects,

In honor of the writers’ strike (dudes, good luck with negotiations), I’m listing out my 13 favorite shows this season (or should I say, my favorite shows I’ll be missing soon) (yes, I’m already jonesin’, but I just now finally finished up the last ever final season of “The Sopranos,” IT WAS SO GOOD, go get it on DVD if you haven’t caught it by now. Anyway. The Sopranos eased my couch potato pain). My other favorites are (drum roll, please!):

13) Friday Night Lights: I’m late to the game (ha! Sports joke, get it?) on this one, but this is a great show. I’m enjoying getting to know all the characters.

12) Las Vegas: Even with James Caan gone. Josh Duhamel is a long-time favorite of mine, and Hockey God loves Delinda Deline. Or Delinda Delicious Delightful Deline, as he calls her. So yummy, all the eye candy on this one. You can look at the menu, you just can’t order. And Sam! Vanessa Marcil from GH! I love her so. Which leads me to…

11) Eye Candy, Part II: General Hospital

10) Eye Candy, Part III: Grey’s Anatomy

9) Eye Candy, Part IV: Private Practice (I’m including this one just because of Taye Diggs and Taye Diggs alone. I’m not really that into the show. But Brothers and Sisters? I’ll watch that until they air the final episode.)

8) Dirty Sexy Money: The title says it all. Peter Krause plays it so straight against the high drama of the Darlings. Like Brothers and Sisters (which includes a character played by Rachel Griffiths, Peter Krause’s love on Six Feet Under), really good ensemble cast.

7) The Office. I never thought I’d get as addicted to this show as I have — I am a dweeb about it. I will watch the same episode eight times, it’s a little bizarre. My kids adore it (I’ve only let them watch a few kid-appropriate episodes, don’t worry). Wacky Girl spent the first 15 minutes of Evan Almighty yelling, “IT’S MICHAEL FROM THE OFFICE!” at the movie screen and almost got us kicked out of the theater. Honestly, I thought the Office was goofy as hell the whole first season. And yes, I tried watching the British version, first. Couldn’t get into it. I didn’t think it was funny at all! But now — I’m hooked. Only they’re gone. No Christmas episode!!!! No other episodes ’til after the strike! Yikes.

6) Boston Legal. Denny Crane. “Trixs are for kids,” “Cuckoo for cocoa puffs,” “Still cuckoo for cocoa puffs.” Still cuckoo for Denny. And whoever thought I’d grow to love James Spader? Will wonders never ever cease?

5) Any home improvement shows. (Blame it on my kids.)

4) Jacob Two-Two (Again. The kids.)

3) Martha Stewart, because she drinks waaaaaaaaaaaay more than I do, and she invented the killer Bloody Mary recipe of all time. (This one only calls for four ounces of vodka — I wrote down a cup on my copy. Was it her? Or me?)

2) Desperate Housewives, sorta. (I’ll give the girls a half-vote.) So, I’ll add Jeopardy! right here, because I am that good at Jeopardy! I kick serious butt at Jeopardy! I’m not kidding, Internets. I would whup ya at Jeopardy!

1) The Simpsons, always.

did i mention?

November 5th, 2007

Did I mention that the carpet dudes are here, laying the new carpet? Hockey God stayed home to make sure they don’t lay me by accident. Heh heh heh heh heeeeeeeeee! (How does that joke go, anyway, “A guy goes over to lay this woman’s carpet…” No, it’s “A floor is just like a guy — lay it right this first time and you can walk all over it for the rest of your life.”)

Or… (stick with me here, I swear I’m going someplace with this…) “Soap” ha! I love you, Soap! I loved that damn show so much, I’ve seen every episode about ten times. If you’ve never seen it, go get it on DVD and have some good laughs.

I’m thinking of the episode where Jessica and Chester give marriage counseling a try. The minister who is supposedly counseling them flips out, rants and raves about his ex-wife, what a complete slut she was, “We were having new carpet laid. The installer apparently got confused about what he was there to lay…” Then he develops a raging crush on Jessica and can’t deal.

In walks the minister’s daughter (this episode had it all), Chester becomes obsessed with her and leaves Jessica. The minister’s daughter then leaves Chester.

“Why??” he asks.

“I found someone better.”

“Better how?”

“Better looking, better dressed, better in bed. Better.”

Chester: “Better dressed???”

The carpet guys just left — the carpet is perfect. A kind of wheat color — neutral, but not boring. Bright, and goes with the woodwork nicely, but not, you know, gray and stained like it used to be.


Happy Halloween, everyone!

October 31st, 2007

Linus: [to Charlie Brown after Sally tells him off] You’ve heard of the fury of a woman scorned, haven’t you?

Charlie Brown: Yeah, I guess I have.

Linus: Well, that’s nothing compared to the fury of a woman who has been cheated out of trick-or-treats.

— from “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

Oh, Linus, I root for you and the Great Pumpkin every year.

Wacky Girl, this morning: “What are you going as for Halloween, Mom?”
me, thinking it’s best to stick with what you know: “How about… a scary witch?”
Wacky Girl: “How about a MOM they’re the scariest!!!”

I want tricks and treats! I was smart and bought only candy I don’t like — Nerds, Tootsie Pops, Reese’s sticks and Mounds. (I like the Mounds, but it was the smallest bag.)

4:45 p.m. here — We’re going to attempt dinner. Ha! Futile, but I’ll plough ahead. The kids will pretend to eat. My sister is coming by. Hockey God is bringing home Indian food yes chole and samosas! Woo-hoo!!! Wacky Girl is already in costume, dressed as a pirate, yar, complete with a stuffed parrot and a ribbon-festooned sword. She keeps practicing with the sword, it’s a lot of fun.

Wacky Boy? He’s a cute little hippie, complete with a hat his sister knitted him, a scarf I knitted him, a tie-dye shirt, peace symbol necklace and his dad’s safety glasses. (Don’t ask. The boy likes safety glasses.)

Madeline Kahn, on “Sleeping Together”

October 29th, 2007

From Saturday Night Live, circa 1976:

Madeline: “So then the man gets bare naked in bed with you and you both go to sleep, which is why they call it “sleeping together.” Then you both wake up and the man says, “Why don’t you slip into something more comfortable?” No, wait a second, um, no, I think that comes, uh, before. Anyways, it’s not important, it’s not important.”

honest to pete — where did they come from? oh, wait. I think I know.

October 15th, 2007

Gets to be 4 o’clock, I’m more than happy to let the kids watch PBS Kids. Am I a failure? Shouldn’t we be at the park, or library or something? We do plenty of that — orthodontist appointments, playing at the park, then walking home when it’s nearly dinnertime, running by the library or the store. Some days I just am toast and so are they.

I don’t know what the line-up is now for afternoon PBS kids’ programming, they changed the sked. It used to be something like “Arthur,” “Maya and Miguel,” “Cyberchase” and… something. “Ruff Ruffman”? They are ga-ga mad for Ruff Ruffman. I kind of like him, too. His corny jokes and all. Now it gets to be 6 o’clock, PBS Kids is over and still, no word from my kids. Being a neglectful mother, I’m thinking, good, more time for me to get dinner ready, or have another glass of wine. (Sad, really, me giving up booze re: heart issues. I like a glass of wine.)

A couple of weeks ago I popped into the office. They were in front of the TV, absorbed, and wouldn’t tell me what they were watching.

“Just sit down,” Wacky Boy says.

“What’s the show?” I ask.

“It’s the one show,” Wacky Girl says, eyes glued to the set. “With the two guys. You know.” (Irritated.)

Me: “No, I don’t know.”

“Shhh!” (both kids, in unison.)

You know which show it was? Are you guessing?

That’s right. It’s This Old House. (Which I thought was canceled, but in the 1907-2007 time warp that is My Old House, it’s still on.)

“Oh, this is the good part,” Wacky Boy murmurs. They’re demolishing a kitchen. He’s right, it is the good part. I am a sucker for a good demo, just ask my husband. (Who hissed at me at one point, “No. More. Demo’ing while I’m at work. Got it?”)

My husband walked in at this point.

“What are you guys watching?”

“Just sit down, Dad,” Wacky Boy says.

“Is it…” he starts.

Wacky Boy, gesturing madly, “No talking.”

This afternoon they were both watching PBS Kids again; Wacky Boy was home sick with a cold, which didn’t deter him much from being a maniac. The rest does him good — it means he’s not using the couches as trampolines.

“Good,” his sister tells him. “It’s Monday.”

“‘This Old House,'” he says. “Ready?”

Ready? We’ll be doing some modest landscaping in the front, more radical in the back, patio, two retaining walls, so this family can really enjoy their home, now let’s take a look at this bush out front. No, let’s not. It’s a beautiful bush — lush and green.

“They’re going to chop it down!” I say, horrified. (But not, because, you know. I’ve watched the show before. And I’ve been talking with realtors for the last week. We are now in negotiations because they want to sell our house for $12 and I think it’s worth more. I think it’s worth $15, minimum. “The market is so smooshy right now! You’ll be lucky to get $12 for it.” Argh.)

You think it looks healthy, from the outside, this bush, but the inside, look. (Obviously, it is healthy, it’s huge and verdant.) (They rip the bush apart.) All. Dead. Wood. (I think if you click on that link above you will see the bush in question.) It blocks the house! You can’t see anything out front but the bush! It must go.

“It’s not dead, it’s frickin’ healthy,” I say. “What do they know?”

Wacky Boy, satisfied, “Yep. They’re taking it down.”

Honestly, people who don’t know gardening have no busy selling houses or doing big exterior remodeling jobs. I spit on them.

General Hospital, through the eyes of Hockey God and Wacky Mommy

September 8th, 2007

I’ve watched General Hospital since I was 12 years old. Is that wrong? Is it wrong to have a favorite soap? I’m a housewife, what am I supposed to do — wax the floors? I’m sure you have a bad habit or two yourself, do not judge me. I tivo it, so I can skip the commercials and the boring parts. Lately? Nothing is boring. It’s been good.

My daughter, today, assessing what it is I do all day: “You don’t do anything. You write on the computer. You talk on the phone. Yeah, and you watch your soap. Once in awhile you cook. That’s it!”

me, thinking it over: “I sometimes take you to school.” (more…)

Meeting Tony Soprano

August 25th, 2007

An interview with our neighbor’s friend’s kid, E, who recently moved from New York to Seattle.

WM: When did you move to Seattle?

E: I moved to Seattle in June 2nd of 2007. This year. Before that, I lived in New York, in Astoria, Queens.

WM: So, did you ever meet the guys from “Entourage”?

E: Answer: No. (more…)

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